The Listening Room Reality

My understanding is that high density mineral wool is generally more effective than foam products.

Yes the canvases came from a local hobby store and were cheap … I’ve not bought her the paint yet though :slightly_smiling_face:
I’m reconsidering the layered stretched towels and maybe using 50mm acoustic foam instead, or a combination.

Has anyone here tried the stretched towels? I’ve read they work well, maybe because they act like multiple membranes? @Xanthe would be interested in your opinion on this!

Job for today is to make the inner frames, off to get the wood now :slightly_smiling_face:


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Hello John, unfortunately I wouldn’t be able to increase the depth beyond 50mm on the back wall, they’d stick out too far. Maybe on the wall behind the speakers, will do a mock-up later.

Good idea on comparing with and without the canvases, if I get the inner frames right that should be easy to do.

I will look into the foam option, need to research what density to look for etc.


Hi, yes I see that being used a lot but I’m not that comfortable using it. It’s hazardous stuff requiring a high quality mask for installation, so I’m wary of dust and fibres escaping if not sealed properly and being agitated by sound waves.
Seems like it would need to be wrapped in something non-permeable like plastic sheet.

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Speakers: "Sealed versus Ported"

All you need to know in 8 minutes.
Very nice sum-up video.

The "Sealed vs. Ported" Debate - YouTube

Hi Thomas, problem is that everything in life is a compromise to some degree, speakers and their design philosophy being no exception :thinking:
Anyhow, now any news?? :hugs: Best Peter

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Hi Peter,

Indeed, that’s the guy’s last comment. At the end of the day, it comes down to our preferences.

The Soulution electronics are still in their crates. The Naim system is off and ready to be packed.

I took a video and some pictures. Next week, I’ll put the whole 500 series system and cables on sale :neutral_face:

I built a temporary rack for the Soulution electronics. That temporary rack is made out of wood, cork and stainless steel.

The final rack will be built a few months later with help from friends who have the means and knowledge :nerd_face:

I’m waiting for a set of 4 IsoAcoustics GAIA-TITAN Cronos and 10 IsoAcoustics Orea Bordeau to finish the temporary rack.

I’ll then need a second pair of arms to lift the 65 Kg of the Soulution 711 amplifier. I can lift more than that but not at arm’s length. :sweat_smile:

I’ll post some pictures when everything’s set up.

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Maybe you could start a separate thread once the new gear is hooked up and running in, which I assume the Soulution electronics will also benefit from. I know Naim gear of course is particularly quirky in this department :crazy_face: Happy days Thomas. Best Peter

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Another down to earth and helpful in understanding video. Yep it really is that simple :weary: Enjoy Peter

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That’s the harsh reality of our rooms…

That said, and considering that we will not be moving for at least five years, I’m planning some significant changes to our living/listening room.

I’ll cut the space in two and build a room in the room.

I’ll block off the windows, and build 30-35 cm thick absorption walls around the listening area.

The walls will be made out of an enormous amount of Owens Corning ® 703 fiberglas insulation boards fitted into a light wooden structure.

I’ll add some Artvonion Bass Traps as well; part of them custom made.

I’ll have a dedicated 24m2 listening area, but for the 100Hz and below range, I will take advantage of the whole 38m2.

Something like so :

Yes, I’m lucky to be able to say that my WAF is off the charts. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Bit of a project Thomas for sure. I hope you are avoiding a square foot print? :thinking: ATB Peter

The walls won’t be actual walls, imagine a gigantic 30 cm thick bass trap acting as a room separator.

Air and low-end pressure waves will flow through it. For frequencies below 100 Hz the room will remain 38 m2.

Most of the rest of the frequency range will be absorbed. The listening area will be on the “dead” side with a low RT60.

But I’ll add some diffusion on the sides to keep it a bit live (Vicoustic Multifuser Wood 64 like the ones on the front wall).


Built the five inner frames, these will be mounted to the wall and then the canvases slide on top, making them float a cm off the wall. Job for tomorrow… then I have to decide what to fill them with :slightly_smiling_face:



Don’t forget to put a door in :crazy_face:


Why would he want to leave?


@Thomas- most ambitious ! May I ask Richard for your email? I have a similar “project” in the near future and I think your input would be most helpful!

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Could you not keep some of the natural light coming into the room by reducing the window size? Thin vertical slots, like in castle walls, at the sides shouldn’t reflect much considering the depth they’d be?

Really interesting project, looking forward to seeing the build!


Morning Thomas, simple question have you tried playing into the length of your room ie letting the wall with the bookcase being the front wall ( ie a 90 degree turn). As I see it, it would be a lot easier to manage the low end and you’ll also be able to maintain an equal distance to the sidewalls for your speakers this way? ATB Peter

PS. You could then use an AVAA20 in each corner behind the speakers :+1:t3: Nice and discreet, and also not upsetting your family. You also don’t need to worry about the nice men in white coats, who are “ Coming to take you away AHA……” :wink::joy:

Although there are pros and cons of that :slight_smile:

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Good point Mark and here we have Thomas dressed up for his listening session :joy: Best Peter