The Listening Room Reality

Just an update everyone…the room treatment I added is the best investment I have made in my system…the trouble is it’s addictive … I want more…but I think that might involve divorce!!!


Same here. I am luck enough to have a dedicated man cave so don’t need to worry about looks but one thing I really notice is a sense of quiet calm just walking into the room. I guess it is the lack of echo but it feels a bit like walking into a forest!

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Yes it’s a very sensitive subject. I had to stop some time ago although I’m trying to figure out how to make some side table bass traps or install some curtains with absorbers out of site behind them!!

I also notice I can turn the system up louder…it does not tend to shout…it just sounds bigger and bigger…

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YEP! :+1:t3::partying_face: Enjoy Peter

Such a performance increase at such a low price, yes, it becomes addictive! :sweat_smile:

Compared to electronics it costs nothing!

And the truth, which is hard to accept for some, is that it is better to spend 1500 euros on acoustic treatment than 15’000 euros on electronics.

My best upgrades have always been: first the acoustic treatment, then the speakers (relatively far behind) and finally the electronics (a lot further behind).


Ah, a man after my own heart!

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A few years ago, I spent about £250 on a pair of Linn Keilidhs for my system. I then proceeded to spend £5.5K on building a 3mx4m corner log cabin at the top of my garden to listen to it all in. Potentially it could have been an expensive disaster but it turned out to be one of the best things I’ve ever done for my hobby. I cannot imagine doing any serious listening anywhere else. I did some dressing, added bamboo slats over the windows. Has a magical effect.

Yeah, but don’t dismiss that out of hand.

I guess I’m lucky.
My wife not only shares, somewhat, my interest in HiFi, but is involved in helping to add acoustic treatment.

That was a funny Saturday afternoon :laughing:


Well thats a win win!!! I am jealous…


Oh the socks😁


Ravishing, isn’t it? :joy:

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Brave :smiley:

Cannot wait to see the finished article. Massive commitment, and having heard my own stereo at a dealers sound massively better than it does at home, I can well understand the motivation!

Before :

In progress :

Enjoying the windows for the last time. :sweat_smile:



Hi Thomas are you leaving access for the patio door or will their be a hidden door panel for getting out if needed.

Hello All

So first experimenting with room measurements! REW provides phase information. just wandering is the divergence in phase between LH and RH speakers normal? My room is hugely none symmetrical, thats the only thing I can think off that could cause it

Further supported by the somewhat different SLP results

Getting there guys, getting there :wink:


Nice ‘Briks’.


This morning

After 10 hours of hard work

Next step will be electricity and some painting on the new front wall.