The Munich “Bird” Report

I believe the unit in the picture is the Technics SA-C600 Network CD Receiver.

A little cowardly, perhaps? Those songs sound good on most systems…

OMA. Simply over the top a page out of the 50s sci-fi industrial design but feel a bit more organic.

smaller set up with a proto type entry level record player.

IIRC, those small horn loaded standmounts are 10k.


Quite a number of the suppliers avoid any difficult music. I would say that’s the approach for 60% on show……


Anette Askvic I have to admit had passed me by. What a fantastic album. Thanks for the reference.


You are welcome, but it’s rather BertBird you should thank…


Looks more like an espresso machine than an amplifier if you ask me…:sunglasses::wink:


That’s anyhow the future, who will buy audio equipment in 50 years from now - unless a coffee machine is included…


I love great industrial design, this is fugly. And I like the look of most OMA’s products.

Thanks. I have learned that even if I didn’t love my system and speakers for what they are, I would be stuck with them anyway because most of the stuff in these pictures wouldn’t make it near my home if I won the lottery.


Did ATC show anything in Munich?

I figure I probably would need a back up modest system to go with the inevitable high end system if I won millions for playing songs that only have poorer quality recordings lol

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Agree, the tone arm looks like a fire ladder on a toy fire truck that you can crank up …:sunglasses:


I refer the honourable member to the answer I gave some moments ago . . .

If someone gives me a top Aries Cerat system, Gryphon or VAC, I would keep proudly each one of these.
For turntable, I would ask Santa to bring me the new Clearaudio Jubilee with the linear arm.

I wouldn’t want this gifted


Agree, that is ugly.
But in this category nothing comes close to the current D’Agostino kit. Gosh… Kitsch redefined. :dizzy_face:


Fugly is a subjective thing. What i observe, and i am not sure i am aloud to say this nowerdays!

Hi end hifi has s very masculine vibe.

And lately its somewhat clumsily exicuted, theres no lightness of touch or subtlety

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Agreed. Some of them amps look more like well polished engine blocks from performance cars!

Quite funny really. You’d think they’d realise that a lot of the time (even if it were mainly men buying) that they have to gain some sort of approval from their better half if it is going to go anywhere near the family home! They’re just making it harder for us :rofl:

Edit. I think Naim and Linn are coming from the right direction in terms of style that can be integrated into the family home.

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If Schröder designed it, it will likely be worth a listen but might be rather finicky to set up. He has made better looking arms it must be said, with the possible exception of the BA.
The decoupling of the counterweight is interesting, it’s one of the weak points on my Reference where a deft touch with an Allen key is required to optimise the grub screw tension.