The Naim app is so janky

Thanks! … so, my only option is with the computer, cables and driver downloads?

Yes, I’m afraid so

This won’t help the OP, but OTA updates not tied to the new platform. The Qb gen1 had them as well. No idea why the 272 doesn’t support it.

Thank you for correcting! It is weird.

Or ask your friendly Naim dealer if he is willing to do the upgrade for you.

But not everyone wants this. My Auralic streamer/preamp updates automatically with no input from me and guess what? People complain on their forum that they have no control over this and no opportunity to revert to an earlier version. At least with the new streaming platform, I think Naim have got it about right.


I think this belongs here (in the spirit of the OPs intention):

Before buying a product for several thousand, perhaps you should find out if it has the features you are looking for, including how the app works?
That seems pretty reasonable IMO… But of course, you can do as you please …

Not really. It’s a fair expectation that it should be ok in the same way you don’t expect the wheels to fall off an expensive car…


Not a logical comparison IMHO.

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I give up

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Of course the app must work. My comment only applie to the design which some complained about, not the function, but I assumed that was obvious …

Everybody complains about their own personal thing, beyond reliably working, most other stuff is refining the app.

I suspect the ‘simplicity’ of the app (as opposed to basic) was a conscious design intent by Naim, fully understandable when you consider their approach to music replay.

Is it really that bad?
Since I got it working it has been fine for me, it’s a basic interface but serves its purpose well. It is my benchmark, some are more sophisticated (better?) for sure, but other popular options i am often recommended for use with the Rpi are worse!

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It very much depends. There are missing features on Android. And for me it was essentially unusable initially because of terrible performance, sprinkled with bugs, but this got better over the past half year and I would be able to use it now if I still wanted to. And whether the feature set is sufficient is also up to the individual

OK, thanks guys … might wait to see how Spotify HiFi performs when it is introduced later this year. Their App appears to perform very well from what I have experienced. Through the Naim App I mean.

Personally, I don’t think the Naim app is too bad. but atm, it is pretty much unusable for Tidal, and only Tidal! I reckon I get roughly 10% of the tracks I wish to listen to, to actually play! iRadio and Spotify work fine.

Especially the inability to edit/re-order playlists (in BlueSound) - it can be done, but it is a real PITA.

I pretty much expect the wheels to remain in place on my inexpensive Mazda! :wink:

(I hope I haven’t set my expectations too high…)

I’m using or trying to the Naim app on iPhone 7 to manage my UnitiQute 2. Based on comparison with Audirvana+ and Spotify I can say that the Naim App is the most unreliable and irritating one. All apps are used in the same WiFi net, with the same router. I’m facing constant issues finding the UQ2, keeping the connectivity, finding the USB stick attached, can’t play Spotify. And this is from the very beginning. So in such direct comparison the Naim App is a big disappointment. Reading the thread I see that other members are suffering too.
I see a lot of questions to members with problems: what model/age is the router, wireless or cable connection etc. But I have a simple question to the more experienced members - why the Naim App fails where other Apps are working? The app itself doesn’t offer some incredible features hence requiring the best possible and ideal environment. It’s supposed to be user friendly and reliable.