The Naim New Classic range - Part 1

Why do designers ever listen to marketing…. Let’s all spend £17.5k on something that’s going to look scratchy after three or four passes of the duster, no matter WHAT kind of duster is used.

Of course, it’ll still sound terrific so that’s alright then… and of course you can always leave the protective shipping film on - so attractive.




Hi Doc, do you own a Naim system out of curiosity?, and also you have picked just the right man in Adam with your negativity….:joy: Good luck with that! Peter


Thank you for sharing your feedbacks , it is much appreciated ! Do you hear humming from the NAP 250 and does it become hot ? Mine would go inside a ventilated cabinet.

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Wow! Were you really in that meeting? :flushed:

Too late now anyway, the design lead left Naim last year and works at B&W now, go figure :wink:

thanks for your excellent feedback. Very interesting observations for those who want analogue and digital (still a lot of evolutions and quick changing solutions) sources separated. Making the right choice is not easy but exploring all possibilities for future upgrades is a interesting part of the “audio” game.

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Certainly do and have booked to audition the new 200’s. Just can’t help wondering how I might feel after spending a lot of money on something that will inevitably look like every other piece of shiny plastic on the planet after a few months…. Unless of course I leave the protective film on like I have with the Atom HE :smirk:.

By all reports, the new NC range does sound terrific, to be expected, so it’ll be all the more disappointing if the shine literally rubs off.

Guess everyone will make their own judgement in the fullness of time.


The Signals new Naim classic demo was very well attended today, nice to have Naim represented as well. Good to see @NigelB and @Darkebear and many others. They had two demo units one in the very large room running Kudos 707 and in the more normal room running Russel K 120 se.
Being early i had a quick listen with Andy from Signals in the normal room. We listened with the 222 powered by the new 300 psu and new 250 power amp. It has an unmistakable Naim sound with the usual prat and sounded excellent, and looks rather nice in the flesh too. What is noticeable is it does sound different overall, sounding very clean, clear and darker……but not sterile, and still engaging and musical, important to me.
We then switched to a NDX2/XPSDr/252/Supercap/old 250 dr. It sounded much better to me……strangely, less clear…….but greater scale, dynamic, musical nuances like note decay were much better. This was further accentuated by changing to a 300dr power amp which really sang with the 252. Well relieved personally that the new tech did not trounce it………as it was £17k versus £30k. We then quickly went back to the 222/300psu/ new 250…….and it is really excellent and gives a strong indication that there will be even greater progress as other products appear.
We then joined the main demo in the very large room where we heard the bare 222 and new 250 amp……effortlessly driving the Kudos 707, very musical and engaging……though in that room with so many people difficult to hear some aspects like the sound stage etc.
The 300 psu was added and you immediately realise that the mid range and bass had improved, much tighter and more pronounced………a good upgrade. We then had a quick demo of the MM turntable input on the 222 using a £6k vertere…….sounded excellent. As ever with these events its just a hint of what a personal dealer or home demo can provide. As ever a good event laid on by the Signals team.


Have had my atom he for over a year and it still looks like new. What are you people doing to your hifi? :wink:


Brasso? :crazy_face:

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My wife once knew a girl who cleaned her fathers new merc with a Brillo pad. Didn’t end well!


I’m thinking it must be extremely challenging being naim to position a product with endless of combinations of boxes. My thought is that it would make most sense to match it against 272, XPSDR, 250DR which is the direct replacement system I assume and where many have waited to get a successor like 222. But I guess many are worried it would be too good making their more expensive boxes lose their value :slightly_smiling_face: Remember many talked about the 272 as being bit too good for the pricepoint :slight_smile: I believe the interesting stuff happens when the full 3-series is released. And then further ahead when the new 5-series launch.


Just sold my Ps audio bhk signature pre and looking forward to get my Nsc 222 pre amp. For a while i will use a Vera P150/600rs power amp. Speakers are Dynaudio Heritage S.

Earlier i had a Naim Supernait 3 with hicap dr.
I will get a new Classic 250 also, but need some time to save up first.

My local hi-fi pusher told me that they tested this new trio between Christmas and new years eve. The new Classic was a lift i soundquality vs their demoset 282 with hicap and 300dr.

Of course some allways will prefer the old series. We are all different in what we like.

What i do know is that hi-fi will have a limit some place. And there will allways be some tradeoff. The more open and analytical the sound get, the less fun it will be to a certain degree. Not always but it is wery typical in my experience.

And i really hope that this new Classic pre amp will give a lot of typical Naim boogiefactor and with a clarity on a higher level than my Supernait 3 with hicap. Then i will be more than happy🎶


Interestingly my local dealer who got his demo equipment on day of release said that after a 4 days of burn in (including leaving on overnight) he puts it above the NDX / 282 / 300. I’d suggest things bode well for those waiting for the 300 new classic series (whatever that may or may not be).

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The best way to clean the cds3 lid is to use a camera dust blower before using a microfiber cloth

The 272 divides a lot of opinions and the 222 continues in that tradition. I’m a big fan of the 272 and prefer it over the more expensive separates when partnered with a 555PS. I’m on the fence about the 222 but that will likely change when I do a demo. On the one hand I’d like to get on the new streaming platform and with the right transition cables I could drop a 222 into my 555PS/250DR set up and be content to add the 300 and 250 later. Conversely, I think I could add the new 250 to the 272/555 and work backwards in the hopes a 300 series streaming pre amp materializes later in the year. Either way it’s nice to have so many options.


My Nova has lasted over 4 years with no plastic film and still looks pristine. I can’t see why Naim would use a lesser material for the new classic range so surely we can give them the benefit of any doubt on durability… I also like the white lights.
I did have a six box olive system which to my eyes looked pig ugly but I put up with it for the sound. I guess we all have different priorities.


I’ve been thinking the same…my kit sits in the shelves. I dont touch it :man_shrugging:

Nice review Gazza, what was the crowds reaction to the look of the new stuff. I was expecting mass protests out the front complaining about the light change from green to white.

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All good questions Dan, this one in particular interests me, I’d love a 300DR but don’t have the space, so even if it’s closer …


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