The Naim New Classic range - Part 1

That occurred to me too @Garcon and @Richard.Dane. I’m not very knowledgeable about this, so I might be asking the wrong question. But is star earthing a consideration? Can I use a hydra with these three new classic items? Do the New classics have chassis earth ground switches? I ask because I’m considering future logistics. Very interested in the NSC222 and then later the NPX 300. They will be quite a long way from mains socket. The hydra Power cable seems a good value solution. But there again if star earthing is no longer a consideration…

Probably one for @110dB to answer

Thanks for your usual swift response @Richard.Dane. @110dB. Can you comment when you get a spare minute please? No rush - very low priority on your to-do list…

Thanks both.

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Perhaps the 222 Will turn into a Swan after the burn in period?

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Mine does the same (ie won’t hold the setting), but I’m not using my remote, using the app.

Maybee it will turn from from a swan to an eagle when it has som time burning in.

I will be very surprised if the 250 DR is on par with 300 DR. The way I see it is the dual mono design of the 300 DR is still a step above. I completely expect the new equivalent of the 300DR to be better.

On a slightly different note I bet people expected or thought the 300 was better than the 135s when released. Having owned both I much prefer the 135s. I guess i have written this to temper peoples expectation and not to get carried away.

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I wonder if monos are due for a return(?), getting rid of the pesky burndies x 2, which I don’t regard as very user friendly nowadays, especially with multiple boxes.


I think the consensus is that the new classic 300 will be monoblocs. I wouldn’t be surprised if whatever replaces the 252 will have dual mono boards like the 52.


Too late?

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Tested with ProAc D20R speakers at dealers this morning.
Won’t repeat what others have said about its undoubted capabilities but the musical presentation was a bit of a surprise - certainly not in your face more refined perhaps even gentle.
Overall, has left a good impression - could be an expensive month🤷‍♂️.
If interested forget spec sheets, comparisons, etc. just go and listen it’s different to what you may know which will boil down to personal preference.


I’m probably being dumb, but how do you access Apple Lossless without using Apple Music?

The former will be interested and it’s imminent release a badly kept secret. The old six pack Isobarik PMS system was really something in its day :thinking:

Hi Clive, I guess my use is different. I ripped a lot of CD to lossless format or purchased lossless online from places like Linn. It is a good-size library and I want to listen to it on the Naim. I use Apple Music on my Mac to stream via ethernet to the Naim kit. What I meant was the Apple Music app on the iPad or iPhone seems only to do wireless which is not so good. However I think if you have a modern iPad and use a USB C to ethernet converter, that might do the trick from the iPad music app. I can’t remember because it was a fiddle. On the whole I use Qobuz on the Naim for general streaming. It’s a different sound from lossless streaming from my Mac. Just depends on the type of music. And lossless Qobuz purchases downloaded to my Mac, play well via Apple Music on the ethernet to the Naim. I started on this process because my UnitiQute didn’t do Qobuz and Tidal just didn’t like Macs, but that is another topic all together! Hope that helps?

I should have explained clearer, that the anomaly occurs while using the App. Thanks to @Richard.Dane pointing me in the right direction, I had a conversation with my dealer (Acoustica). They found that there demonstration unit exhibited the same anomaly. A quick call to Naim Technical support, clarified the behaviour. This problem is known to Naim and a patch download will be issued in the near future. Thank you to all concerned, especially the gentleman in Naim Technical Support, whose name I did not catch. If he is reading this, please step forward and take a bow. @110dB FYI


A bit more to my reply below which some how didn’t reply to you directly. I only went down this road starting 5 years ago because my Mac is in another room and I just wanted to control everything from my iPhone.

Thanks for the explanation - I understand now. It’s helpful for me as I use Apple Music on my MacBook and stream wirelessly to an Auralic Aries Mini. This is just for exploring new music but I am considering a Naim streamer for more serious listening and am interested in the options .

Yes very wishful thinking here, hard not to get carried away, it’s all really exciting :slightly_smiling_face:
The new 250 sounds like a very positive evolution of the current model, and I’m interested but will wait to see what’s coming in the 300 series, no rush … well, not too long I hope!



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As long as it doesn’t turn into one of these

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