The Naim New Classic range - Part 1

Heard the 222/300 into a 250DR driving ATC40s today. My dealer still hasn’t got their new 250 yet but as the system, they had on dem is what I will have initially it didn’t matter so much to me. I was very impressed and am looking forward to my 222/300 arriving in early March. Only listened to half a dozen songs and enjoyed listening to them. I felt the SQ exceeded my expectations and it will only get better as the 222/300 burns in. I will go back next week to listen to the system with the new 250 in place, assuming the courier finally manages to deliver it to the store.


Wise words.


I ordered the 3 boxes then slept on it and amended my order to the 2 boxes and decided to use my existing Dr 250 over the new 250 ! will be very interested to see what you think and how new/old nap compare. I recon i’ll be amending my order again hope to also compare the 2 shortly.
By way of an update …
I slept and as they say your first thought is generally the best one.
after my 4th visit to Music Matters S-U-A I have decided to add the new NAP250 to my NSC222 and NPX300 order.
I have also tonight listed on Ebay my Nova and Nap 250DR

Please Naim make it a speedy delivery I can’t sleep with excitement !


Do you then need to buy new cables from PSU300 to DR250 ?

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Audio t Brighton by any chance?

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yes to go from 300 to my existing Dr Im told Naim
have one that’s sub £300. so its Ebay or a cable :grin:

I was seriously considering NSC222 & ATCSCM40A’s, but since the Gaias have gone on my Evokes I’m now swinging to New Classic 222/250. These Dynaudio’s need to be given the chance to soar with a higher end amplifier😊

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Hi @PEFGis,

Mains ground lift switch and mains earth
Yes, there is a ground lift switch on the rear of sources (no changes here)

A Hydra is good for mains connection to say 222, 300 and 250.

…is there a change in grounding for the New Classic range?

From the outside the aspect noticeable today is that there is no audio output on the new NPX 300 PSU. You will notice some other differences later in the year. I will answer technical questions post embargo…our goal was better sound and simpler to connect an upgrade PSU.


RE: 222 Remote wake on motion setting
I spoke to our SW team and the issue is known and a patch being tested on issue 5.0.2.
When it’s released you will see a download indication on the app



Thank you :blush:

So I visited my Naim stockist again today for a second listen to the new Classic Range, after been burnt in for one week it’s sounding even better than before. Great step up from 272/555/250DR, simples :sunglasses:


Were you able to do a side by side comparison? Or is it from memory? It seems like it would be if the streaming board is improved and you get the benefit of the 300 on digital and analogue, and the extra umph from the new 250.

When a swan comes on song, it’s usually near dead Swan song - Wikipedia

I think this may be the case. Just a hunch. Might be a the only thing that can tempt me away from the classic monoblocks.

So the 252 does not?

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From memory, however, these were tracks I have played lots since I have had my current set up (plus played some of them for 40 plus years on various kit).

Good to know. Exciting times.

A bit off-topic:

As a user of the Supercap with SNAXO I’m wondering how that will be managed in any new PS.
The SNAXO does have an option to be fed its signal alternatively via DIN socket…
Hopefully even though Naim are not doing Active systems right now they will continue to support existing customers with upgrade options.
I await ‘later in the year post embargo’. :slightly_smiling_face:

DB. :bear:

Wonder if this vote for standby function as well ?

Indeed, for those further up the chain (300 range etc) I suspect they will be in for a pleasant surprise in the future.