The Naim New Classic range - Part 1

Apologies I am not sure I understand your question re the standby function. On this topic the system is quieter when you switch it off and on.

Echoing @khan84’s question.
So the 252 does not? (have mono boards)…

I ask because I don’t know the internals of 52 or 252.

Yeah, a 300 series streaming amp would get me off the fence pretty quick.

I meant if burn-in process is same/similar on stand-by mode as on 24/7 ?

Ok I presume not, my dealer left his playing on low volume overnight to aid burn in

There are some good deals on ex demo 300dr out there. Similar money to a new 250. Just a thought. Whilst I cant comment on the new 250, the 300dr trounced my 250dr.


Absolutely, the units have to be fully on to run in. Standby 0.5W is just enough to keep the microprocessors running so that it can wake up.

To keep products on:
Products that have an app (like NSC 222) - set ‘always on’ in the app
Products that do not have an app (like NAP 250) - set with rear panel switch

Even better to have music gently playing to run in. This exercises the signal path components more. (To run in speakers fast and not be so noisy; connect one anti-phase and face them to each other. Bass cancels)

Run in times of new classic will be the same as the classic.


Thanks 110dB what would be the approx run in time be Hrs on low ?

Hi @Darkebear,

I’m an active fan and we will continue to support.
You will be able to connect your SNAXO to the new products using the new legacy leads.

Connect the new product from it’s local output (not NPX 300) to the same signal socket it is already connected to on your SNAXO’s SuperCap (new XLR to DIN lead). Then all as before.



@Paul52135 There is no Statement DAC. I have a 250-2 and a 200/stageline. I should have more cash around April, and will audition and compare the 222 with a comparison with my DSD DAC decoding DSD128, see if the Naim solution is worth the spend. I am more interested in the phono stage too.

That is good to hear! :slightly_smiling_face:

I was more meaning if there is a new design replacement for the existing DR Supercap - will that be usable with my BMR SNAXO?

I see the new supplies use more ground runs than previous supplies and obviously have a different way to power items. From what I heard with the 300 PSU I was wondering if a new PS will supercede the Supercap and fit my system.


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Yes, been using them since the mid-80s. I have known John before he started working there (when it was Jefferies) and he has been fettling my LP12 since around 1990. Personally, I think he sets up an LP12 as well as anyone does.


Understood. Thanks for your time @110dB. This is all very interesting indeed.

The cable goes directly from 222 to 250DR, no signal is sent to NPX300. I think it costs about ÂŁ260.

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It will depended upon the product, but generalising…a lot happens in the first few days. I’d say about a month if general listening in the evening and leaving on. Speakers and cables take longer, the run-in time is the playing time only; the louder the better :wink:

After a 3 months you’re there.

The only run-in new classic products are in the demo rooms at Naim and a select few homes. Dealer demo kit is half way there.

As you’d imagine run-in is a pain when designing products. To accelerate run-in in R&D we have a box that turns the product on, play loud, off, on, play loud, off and repeat.


Sorry, the new NPX 300 PSU will not power a SNAXO. The SNAXOs will have to continue using their current PSUs.

SNAXO uses multiple 24V PSUs, these are not in the NPX 300.

Hope that helps

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I did offer to start running in their 222 and 300 over the weekend using my active scm40s but John did not seem too keen😉


Yeah, I’ve seen several of those, but I really like the idea of the 222 giving me an upgrade on preamp and built-in streamer.
The addition of the new 250, designed to work with/complement the 222, is a real pathway to follow🙂


Thanks - that was it.
The only connection in my system which is still ‘pre-Starement pre-superlumina’ is the Burndy lead to the SNAXO, so was wondering if an alternative was appearing ahead in the new range of products - but if not what I have now works fine! :bear:


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Good to hear. Has anyone tried using new 250s with a Snaxo at headquarters? No instability issues with the custom leads?


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