The Naim New Classic range - Part 1

Excellent……should be able to pick up a cheap 282 and 250 very soon😝


It is what it says, Airplay 2.

Congratulations to naim on finally getting these released. Technically interesting boxes, Statement tech trickle down and some new innovations.

No great surprises on the 3 models announced today or numbers given FCC materials and Facebook. Plus the 272 replacement model number 222 has been hiding on the forum in plain sight since September.

I didn’t know the PSU would have two outputs, that’s very interesting for these products and those to come. Bringing the ND555 approach of separate PSU on analogue and digital sections to the masses via one box. The streaming board looks to get more DR regulated feeds than say an NDX2 via XPSDR. Can only be good!

Now need to work out if it makes any sense to replace our SuperUniti with a 222/200 combo :laughing:

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The new 200 series logo references the original volume controls of NAC 12/22/32 (zeroes replaced with “volume controls”) but the actual preamp volume control has a completely different look. A bit “in your face” for my taste, but if it brings more music …


Seems to me that there was maybe some misdescription - it’s the new classic range not the new 200 range …

(On the subject of pedantry I don’t know why use of the word “vinyls” doesn’t offend me :person_shrugging:)


Love the look of the 222. Need to hear how it compares bare to a 272 xps as it looks to be the perfect one box to pair with my scm40A with balanced xlr outs


Will be interesting to see where the new NPX300 power supply fits in performance wise comparing with the HiCap DR and Supercap DR. The latter two seems to be on their way out according to the wording on Signals page. “The new products will supplant NAC 282, NAC 252, NAP 250DR, Superline, XPS DR, HiCap DR and Supercap DR so these are all approaching end of life”.

Especially how would the Superline react to an NPX300 compared to the Supercap DR?


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A 300 number does not fit in to the 200s. It just doesn’t :person_shrugging:


What are those 40 black rectangular components on the left - ICs? And what do they do in the circuit? The look very impressive lined up like that (but I know zilch about circuit design).

Then just keep it and enjoy what you have. That is what I did when I had silly offers (and that was back in 2020/2021). They are not good investments financially like buying a house in a reputable area.


Hey, 552 was so named because it replaced 52 … which in turn was so named because it was next to be released after “42” … let’s not look too closely at the logic :slight_smile:

Should be the resistor ladder for the volume control.

Maybe Naim will come up with a new white logo to replace the green ones. They did with casework a few years back. I wonder how much a new logo would cost though.

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What did the 252 replace?

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ALAC is already supported on the current streaming platform - i.e. new/current Uniti, Mu-so 2, new/current streamers.
Using it with my library of ripped (iTunes) or downloaded (bandcamp) local music.

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Are they both definitely useable at the same time? I’ve been wondering if a single PSU would do both pre and source. I’ve not seen any info on the two connector types and the spec seems ambiguous :confused:

[edit: ah, I think I misunderstood! The PSU supplies analogue and digital separately!?]


And 42 replaced 32

The NAC252 replaced the NAC52.

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NAC 52 as well