The Naim New Classic range - Part 1

Noo, 32.5 replaced 32.


You Tube link anyone?:pray:

Damn! Just when I thought I was done - I have to find another (counts on fingers) £11,400! :roll_eyes:

You haven’t been following the leaks closely enough over the last few weeks! Naim have announced the 200 series today but the power supply is common to the 200 series and the not yet announced…well I will leave you to work it out from this photo which is taken from Naim’s product description of the NPX300 on their website.

Anyway I think it’s very good that Naim have simplified their power supply product line.


The NAC42 replaced the NAC22.

For some that preamp does not exist because it’s a backward step from the 52, unless you add the supercapDR of course

The world of Naim is a bit confusing but there were naming conventions that escape me. Can’t remember

There was a NAC32 and a NAC12 originally.

The NAC12 came first, then joined by the NAC22 at a lower level. They were later joined by the NAC32, which eventually replaced the NAC12. Then the NAC42 came along to replace the NAC22. The NAC42 was later upgraded to the NAC42.5 and then replaced by the NAC62. The NAC32 was upgraded the NAC32.5 and then replaced by the NAC72. Simple… :wink:


Oh, I never think of user objects as investments, but offers as low as €1100 for a 7 year old 250dr made me choke on by Pomerol for a bit.


It says on the product page, that the NPX300 power supply can power the NDX2. Is the NPX300 somewhere between the XPS-DR and 555PS-DR?
Its price places it between the two.

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Very pleased with the look of the new streamer NSC222; order placed well before today.

Initially last year, I had in mind to get another Nova to allow me to move SU in bedroom, elsewhere.
Prepared to wait, my enduring dealer didn’t break embargo at any stage, just agreed to accept an order for new streamer/pre if I was ordering unseen.
Original plan was to acquire ex-dem NAP250DR, but then decided a few months ago to have both new units.
Pleased with a potential arrival in the next couple of months.
Dealer already has demo units playing, very positive report during initial warm up.
Well done to all at Naim - yet again!


Well there go my hopes of either native AM or better airplay 2 sound quality


Not an ideal situation for tasting Pomerol then, but yes it is disappointing when you want to change something and lose a lot of money on it. My XPS2, Supercap2 and 300 are non DR. In 2021 I did not do the DR upgrade because I thought the prices too high for what I wanted to pay. The service and recap was also not cheap for the complete system, but worth doing


Any idea of the pricing in EUR yet?


Presume the XLRs on the NAP250 are wired the same as the legacy NAP300 so will work with existing cables? Could not see a connection guide update.


Well, the new text does mention Apple Music in line with the other streaming services - this is new.
Just the ALAC is not.

So, unless somebody in marketing mixed something up, they may have gotten the “okay” (and any needed libraries) from Apple to finally integrate it. [Edit:] Actually, the formulation implies exactly that.
Given, that Apple had promised (but failed to) release a “classic Music” app during 2022, it would be quite reasonable for them to allow integration into “proper stereo systems” finally. So far, only Sonos has them natively on their streamers (and for years).

PS: And since the NP800 is mentioned, I would also assume/hope, that anything implemented here will go into the next SW releases for the Unitis/streamers as well.


Each box = 7000 EUR :euro:

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@Richard.Dane is clearly (still) lurking on this, another milestone day in Naim’s history.
Another thread suggesting dragging him down to the pub this evening for some downtime, clearly hasn’t yet happened. Unless he is already in the pub, where the web speed is better than down the old non-copper cables.
Thanks for your efforts today, as always Richard - if you are just chuckling at the some of the posts, relax in your Eames chair, it will soon be time for @Pete_the_painter to muck in - not sure if he was nominated or volunteered earlier.


No AV bypass anymore? For those of us that have no space for dedicated systems, it seems to be a gap?

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I was just thinking the same… :thinking:

No Manuals yet, on the Naim website, for the new units.

And - the 250 now has a Left & Right Channel… and not Channel 1 and Channel 2 - :astonished: