The Naim New Classic range - Part 1

This brings memories of when I was working. I used to write lots of reports for the local authority members, and there was a lot of technical acronyms; RSG, DSG, HNI and lots more. The poor members got so confused that we deduced to get shot of them - the acronyms, not the members - as far as possible, but if the full wording was long and needed multiple times, the first time it was used we’d write the full wording with the acronym in brackets, allowing for the acronym on subsequent occasions.

I’m not too bad with acronyms on here but had to look up NPI. The general use seems to be National Provider Identifier, which clearly isn’t the case here. So I worked out it was New Product Introduction, used in the sales environment. So it must be that. LOL.

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Apologies, I am in “work mode” and multitasking!
Yes, it does refer to a New Product Introduction on this occasion.
Another useful one being TMTLA, or Too Many Three Letter Acronyms :laughing:
Regards the 200 Series, having had a chance to listen to systems again and in different settings I’m consistently impressed and can only anticipate even more interesting products to come.

Lots of Love to you too HH :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


@110dB FYI, In the past 10 days or so my system (222 / 250.3 / NPX 300) has switched itself off mid play 3 times.

Today when it went off I could see that all three elements had shut off and that the source (Core) was still playing. When I pressed the on button for 222 all elements switched back and music reappeared.

I will email support re this also.

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There might be some software glitches, as I also have an abnormal behavior different from yours with my new NPX 300, which sometimes enters a loop of turning on and off when it’s supposed to be off. I have already reported this to support and my dealer, but since it’s something difficult to reproduce consistently, I haven’t been able to reach a concrete diagnosis of the problem yet.

Side note to the main topic: from the picture I see that you are using Sommer Cables? I recently upgraded from 250 DR to 300 DR, and I admit I kinda miss the transparency I had with the SuperLumina (stereo XLR) interconnect. I am now using the “stock” 300 DR interconnects, and there are some things missing. I wouldn’t invest now in a set of mono SLs, seen an offer of 60 EUR for similar Sommer, do you think they worth the effort?

Try Mogami

If you look for 110dB’s replies in this thread you will see his comments on using XPS with 222 and NPX300 with legacy.

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Had to Laugh Out Loud to that!


If I’d just spent £17k+ on a system only to find it turning itself off randomly I’d be suitably angered.
Having had 5 years or so to develop it you may expect these things might have been tested at some point surely?
On a similar note my Atom was doing similar recently, it’s been fine prior to that, unlikely related (HDMI/LG TV in that case) but appreciate the frustrations none the less.
Power management is great when it works as expected of course!

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I’m really sorry to hear that @David. First port of call should be your dealer.

You maybe able to help diagnose the fault:

  1. Unplug one end of the optical inter-product coms cable from the NSC 222 to the NAP 250. It would be interesting if only the 222 and 300 turn off

  2. Remove the 300 from the 222 (replace with the Burndy plugs). See if the 222 continues to play without the PSU upgrade.


Thankfully at this stage neither frustrated or angered…curious at to what is going and hopefully expectant that things will get resolved in the near future…:sunglasses:

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Will do on all three fronts tomorrow…

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Yes. They are from Designacable. The Naim 4 pin Din to XLR’s haven’t been released yet in the US. They were the only ones I could find at the time I purchased my 250.3.

Have no idea how they compare to anything else.

Thanks @David, if you’re not comfortable disconnecting the NPX 300 your dealer can help. It is also good practice to switch off all units and wait a few minutes before disconnecting any leads. Then fully connect before turning on again.

Hope to have this resolved soon.


@110dB I’m ok doing this, I presume I have to reinstate the 222 power cable as well as the Burndy plugs.

On the basis that the 222 continues to play I presume the expectation would be to run the system like this for a period of time to see if it self shuts off. If it works ok then reinstate the 300 and see if it happens again?

With the optical cable plugged in, all three elements switch off when pressing the 222 on/off button, when I remove the cable then the NPX 300 still switches on / off along with the 222.

As the boxes and all of the relevant parts are tucked away in the loft this will be an activity for Monday but will pop in a see my dealer tomorrow.

Are Tannoy a similar sound signature to Harbeth, then?

One cannot put them against each other like that. Different models within brands have different sound. My Tannoy play much larger, relaxing, joyful and dynamic than my SHL5 Plus did.

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Sorry off topic, but I love my Harbeth’s tonally (particularly on violins where they have body, not just “edge detail”, which I find all too rare in modern speaker designs). Do the Tannoys retain any of this, or is it traded for snap and speed?


I’ve heard most of the Harbeth range, and own C7ES-3 (which I chose over the SHL5+ despite cost not being an issue for either. They pretty much scale with the size of the speaker, and bass extension, but they most definitely have a house sound tonally and dynamically, to my ears. The SHL5+ as probably more neutral, but I found the C7 more involving - just had something about them which made me want to listen more.

To me, Harbeth are rather beautiful and very natural tonally, but a little polite rythmically, especially in the bass. I’ll try to have a listen to some Tannoys. If they can retain some of the natural tone but be more dynamic and snappy rythmically, they might be a winner.