The Naim New Classic Range - Part 2

I didn’t even pay that much for my ND555 (with single PS) :thinking:

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Just in case you did not see my reply. Please ignore if you have.
What app or apps are you using at present? I presume you have the Zenith configured for use with UPnP? If using Sense, you will get a few Radio Paradise, then whatever radio stations you add by the URL pathway. If using Naim, then whatever Naim have already added. If you wanted more, you would need to register with Vtuner, then add your own. Adding radio stations in Naim, is a bit more complicated than adding in Sense.

That is indeed a nice room.

I saw the new thread - duly ignored.

I can see how to add a radio station to Sense once I have the necessary URL. Thanks for the tip. I think there may now only be one reason for me to ever use the Naim app, which is to manage the settings on the devices.

I wonder if anyone with a 222 can have a look at the back and confirm if you have the position of the link plugs the way I have it. Noticed Naim branding is in different position for link 1 and 2. Is this normal. I have not found any other way to plug, it only fits one way.

A post was split to a new topic: Upgrade to New or Old Classics?

They are screw on caps so it’s almost impossible to predict where the printing will line up at the tight position
Bit like the winder on a watch. :+1:t2:

The position and branding of link plugs of our NSC 222 is the same :+1:

@Musicraft Thanks for confirming! Cheers.


Anyone here with experience with the NAC332 direct into ATC Active speakers ?

I’m unsure if the XLR out is voltage compatible with ATC pretty low 1V input sensitivity.

I demoed the 332 at home with my active 40s. Seemed fine to me, no obvious issues

Oh that’s great, thank you.

What did you think of it with the ATC active ? Better than your 252 ?

For me, no it was not better. Different? yes. On a par? Yes. Worth changing for the cost? No

Edit that was with the 300ps

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Thanks for that.

Well, I can’t get a new 252 /SC2DR anymore, so I’ll keep the NAC332 as an option and just demo. it one day - whenever they sort the Aussie NAIM dealer chain out that is.

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Absolutely, many people prefer the 332 so I think it is a matter of preference. One thing I massively preferred with the 332 was the volume control. The one on the 252 really winds me up with its tiny usable range!


I would like to share my experience with the new classic. I recently moved from the SN3/ND5XS2/HiCapDr to the NAC222/NAP250. What an improvement, I am so happy. After 3 weeks of burn in, sound is very much changing. This is the Naim sound as per me, with the sens of rythm, warm, round bass, open… very happy with my move. I am rediscovering my favorite albums with lot of pleasure!


Pleased to hear that, as I considered an ND5 XS2/SN3, but I’ve just ordered the same (222/250) after a home demo :grinning:. Speakers next, but the NPX 300 is a big uplift so I’m conflicted!

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Nice. 6 weeks was the sweet spot for my NC250/332/300 so there should be a bit more coming.


Well hopefully it does sound much better Jean considering the price difference :+1: