The Naim New Classic Range - Part 2

Anyone here with experience with the NAC332 direct into ATC Active speakers ?

I’m unsure if the XLR out is voltage compatible with ATC pretty low 1V input sensitivity.

I demoed the 332 at home with my active 40s. Seemed fine to me, no obvious issues

Oh that’s great, thank you.

What did you think of it with the ATC active ? Better than your 252 ?

For me, no it was not better. Different? yes. On a par? Yes. Worth changing for the cost? No

Edit that was with the 300ps

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Thanks for that.

Well, I can’t get a new 252 /SC2DR anymore, so I’ll keep the NAC332 as an option and just demo. it one day - whenever they sort the Aussie NAIM dealer chain out that is.

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Absolutely, many people prefer the 332 so I think it is a matter of preference. One thing I massively preferred with the 332 was the volume control. The one on the 252 really winds me up with its tiny usable range!


I would like to share my experience with the new classic. I recently moved from the SN3/ND5XS2/HiCapDr to the NAC222/NAP250. What an improvement, I am so happy. After 3 weeks of burn in, sound is very much changing. This is the Naim sound as per me, with the sens of rythm, warm, round bass, open… very happy with my move. I am rediscovering my favorite albums with lot of pleasure!


Pleased to hear that, as I considered an ND5 XS2/SN3, but I’ve just ordered the same (222/250) after a home demo :grinning:. Speakers next, but the NPX 300 is a big uplift so I’m conflicted!

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Nice. 6 weeks was the sweet spot for my NC250/332/300 so there should be a bit more coming.


Well hopefully it does sound much better Jean considering the price difference :+1:

NPX300 will be next year for me. As you will get brand new gears, you will be surprised and may be disapointed with the sound quality at the beggining, and questionned yourself if you did the right move. This happened to me for 2 weeks, then suddenly the sound started changing and keeps changing still, improving a lot the more you play music. It is quite unbelievable how sound is improving after this initial burn in time, I was not excepting this.
I also tried other XLR cables and was disapointed, moved back to the naim supplied xlr cables, they sound good. But I will keep trying other cables for fun!

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Indeed! but when it happens, you feel happy :grinning:

UK Retail to Retail it’s about 20% more (10,400 compare to 8,200). His enthusiasm seems like it’s money well spent!

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You have a much better system now, congrats. And when you add the PS it’ll really come into its own.

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Yes the NSC222 certainly does improve with a bit of use. I’ve had mine for three weeks and the difference is remarkable.

It sounded good from the start, but a fuller, more open sound now.


And in around 3 months it would be sounding even better.

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I popped in to TomTom in St Alban’s after a meeting today as I had a half hour spare. We got talking about New Classic cabling and touched on Super Lumina (combining speaker and Balanced XLR, in addition to Powerline)
I’ve wanted to compare this sort of configuration against my evaluation last year of Chord Signature, cost to one side (it’s a lot), I was interested to hear if anyone had tried that SL combo or had an intention to.
TomTom had the SL XLR IC in their 200/300 demo setup, I’d never even seen one in the flesh before today, but they rated it and felt it was up there in Sarum T territory.
It’s mostly folly for me today given the cost but my curiosity remains.
I’m planning a longer listening test with them as time allows and will share any insights worthy of a post.


I also popped into TomTom, earlier today. I only went for a new Narcom remote :wink:

Started with the NSC222 into NAP250, through Neat Elites. It really did sound good to me. I haven’t actually heard all that many systems other than my own, and demo gear through my own setup. Very impressed. Nice to use the Naim app with a modern Naim box too, its features are mostly wasted on my UQ1. The system rendered different recordings very differently indeed, more so than my home system.

We then swapped the NC250 for a classic 250.2, and it also sounded very good! There were differences to the NC250, but as a “cheap” way too get into the NC gear I think I’d be very happy.

Then to top the morning off the full 300 system (NSS&NPX, NAC&NPX, NAP350s was played through the Neats. That did sound great, as you’d expect 8) to add… it was the utterly clinical separation and rock solid imaging that made the biggest impression, quite remarkable, it also sounded “just right” in a way I can’t explain in any more detail X)

This wasn’t meant to be much of a review, it was really nice to see the new classic boxes in real life, and to experience the uplift over my home system. I am sat back home now, listening to some of the same tracks, and enjoying them immensely though. If an upgrade becomes possible at some point I’m sure a NSC200 would be a great path for me.


At the end of the day that’s all that really matters! :slightly_smiling_face:


The impending price rise has made me wonder. A 4 box, amplification only, system (332/300/350) is currently £25,600 (before price rise) - that buys any number of impressive integrated amps from other manufacturers. Did anyone consider this and compare during an audition or if you were going to, what integrated amps do you think would give the Naim boxes a run for their money?