The Naim New Classic Range - Part 2

NAC 202 had balance control via the remote too; yes, easier front a knob on the front.

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Yeah, I like the visual feedback of balance on the front, just like I like the visual feedback of volume. I’m old school…comes with being old. LOL

But like I said, I’m good with my 252. Has volume, balance and mono switch.

I think if anything about the New Classic series interested me, it would be the phono-stage + PSU. I wonder how it compares to the Superline/SCDR I have.

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Engineers start companies :wink:


…I just watch Jas too :slight_smile:
Those 25 Salisbury Watts will do 225W peaks into 1 ohm


Considering use of a NC NAP 250 with an existing preamp, in my case a Linn Selekt DSM with Balanced XLR Preamp outputs (4V rms / 600Ω)
Are there any cabling requirements or caveats to be aware of?
This is an interim to a NSC 222 preamp also, one for @110dB primarily!

Hi @IanRobertM

You are correct…We just couldn’t call the NC NAP250 a NAP 380.

The 350 is more than a mono 250 with more Salisbury Watts. (Unlike the 135)

  • It has a new double driver, double power transistor design. Took 10 versions to get the best. 350 has serious headroom and kicks out 1.7kW peaks

It also has extra DR regs compared to 250.
250 has DRs for:

  • Balanced input circuits (per channel)
  • Power amp (per channel)

350 also has DRs for:

  • Power amp front end, like the NAP 500 and Statement.

By it’s nature the 350 has double the power transformer of 250 (one per box)


As I recall, up to this time, Naim would only use one pair of power transistors per channel; to get around this limitation, the 500 was a bridged design. But the new 350 has two pairs in parallel per channel , is that correct?


I want to know for a customer like me who has 552 preamp and 555 streamer but with a 250 amp. Is it better to end it with 500 or the new monoblock of 350 is a strong candidate.

I see the watt is difference but understand there are design choices differences.

What I want to say is that probably I am confused. Sorry not too much into technicality of amp design.



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No one has heard or tried the 350 yet so no one can really answer, technically I can’t see a reason why it wouldn’t work. But those amps are likely to sound different so it is really up to you which one you prefer. Or you may like to stay with the 250 after you listened. With your fine source and preamp any of these amps will be a terrific choice.

Sorry for the no-answer answer, but be patient with your question until the product is out would be my advice.


Maybe even better than the Nap 500/552?


An odd question, and possibly warped logic but here goes🙂

300ps can power solstice
300ps can power 332 etc
Xps dr can power 332 etc
Can the XPs dr power a solstice?


Further to the interview of Jas Gould at the Munich Show I quizzed Jas during a a phone conversation around a month ago about the latest 350 and comparisons with existing components. This is the impression that I came away with after that chat.

350 better than 300

500 better than 350

3 x 500 better than 6 x 350 (same with the 2/4 comparison)

Comparing the better amp passive v lesser amps active as you all will know is subjective with conflicting opinions. Jas for example prefers Statement passive v 3 x 500 active but the guys at Kudos the opposite (into 808´s). Three Acoustic customers have sold their 500’s for 3 of the latest 250’s active into 808’s. I’m not convinced about that one. I couldn’t agree less with the guy who wrote on the forum recently that a 250 is close to the 500.

As I’m happy with and grateful for the system that I own I think sound per £ wise the six 350 option is the only temptation. I will be having a listen October time when they start rolling off the production line which more or less coincides with the Kudos crossover release. :thinking:


No, XPS cannot power Solstice.

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Hi Steve,
Thank you for these annotated images.
Based on the 009 count in NC350 vs. that per channel in NC250, can you clarify if the NC350 is two lines…bridged, parallel or other ?
Thank you,


Thank you. That’s just what I wanted to know & learn. Brilliant…!

So… the NAP350 is even-more-DR…!!

Salisbury Watts - :crazy_face:
I used to refer the them as just Naim Watts.
They go to 11… :slightly_smiling_face:

Hi Steve,
Have to ask. What distinguishes the new 332 from the previous preamp generation technically, apart from the built-in transformer?


There have been several attempts to ask questions to see where the new pre (332) and power (350) amps sit w.r.t. the 282/252/250/300 etc. I have seen somewhere the new 300 series does not better the old 500 series, but it would be nice to have a statement about where it sits w.r.t the old 252/300
Also the step up from the 222 to the 333
Of course I may have missed the replies

Thanks Steve, always brilliant.
Sound wise do you think that 250 can works with 332 or it will miss a lot?
I m really thinking what can be my sn3 upgrade plan. Right now I m fine with the ndac but I would like to improve the amp.
Thanks for your great effort


As an observation, it seems odd that when the first release of new products was disclosed many dealers already had them in stock or readily waiting - with some lucky ones picking them up and showing them off to us all pretty sharpish.
Yet this announcement of products has no readily stocked items from dealers - with all waiting for a few months before anyone can see or witness them in the flesh. I wonder why so ? @110dB