The Naim New Classic Range - Part 2

NSC-333 still alive and kicking 3 weeks later… just saying :innocent:

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And while I am browsing the website, did you know that the NC range includes the (unfortunately discontinued) NAP 250DR? The NAP 250-3 is nowhere to be seen.

Click below, and then expand the “See all in range”.
Naim Audio Marque Separates | HiFi Separates

PS: Don’t get me started about the random order of the products shown…

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I know that the NC250 does exist if you search for it throughout other links. However it doesn’t appear in the specific link I shared and I tried to joke a bit about it. Sorry if it wasn’t obvious! :innocent:

If you click on the New Classics, and then click on 200 Series you get this;

The NC NAP250 is there.

But if you click on Classics, and then on the subsection New Classic, it’s not.

If you go via Marque Separates it’s mentioned but not featured.

Products/New Classics/200 Series takes you right to the 250. No conspiracy.

But the 250DR is featured instead… :crazy_face:

Come on guys, I am just pointing to the issues of the hopeless website. Let’s not overblow this! :peace_symbol:


@ElMarko Hi there, I have the 272/555/250 and am considering the 222/NC250 powered by the 555. How much did you pay for the 555 to 222 burndy cable? It will interesting over time to hear from you what the ol’ 555 adds to the system.

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I have a spreadsheet on my laptop entitled “Things that are more expensive than you think” which is referenced in my will. (My executors have the laptop password.) That includes the Naim gear with rough market values and a note saying take to a Naim dealer (couple suggested) or sell on EBay.


Good idea.

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I think you already have :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

As you’d expect the 555 takes the 222/250 to another level. If you already have the 555 I’d definitely consider using it with the 222. I got the legacy to NC xps burndy included in my deal so not sure what it costs here in the US but I think it’s $800USD currently. Not 100% sure on that though since I don’t have a dealer local to me. I will say I have some curiosity about the 300 and whether it better couples with the 222 since it’s the NC and doesn’t require the legacy cable.


Yes, even though it says it’s discontinued it shouldn’t be there with the NC range. I’ll flag it up to group marketing.

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The NAP250 wiring inside etc looks so good it seems a shame to cover it… maybe a glass top design for the future :grinning:


Why not?
It’s a powerful number… :wink:

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Ed Selley (who is a Naim fan and owns Naim kit - “I am partial to a bit of Naim”) has just given the New Classic 222 & 250 a thoroughly rave review over on AV Forums, and awarded the duo a ‘Best In Class’ rating - top stuff !..


I look forward to his 300 series review some time in 2024!