The Naim New Classic Range - Part 2

all points in the 300 series direction…yes.

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That is one person’s opinion - no basis upon which to make a decision. Many would disagree with this opinion and you should listen for yourself.


Yes, I fully intend to audition the NSC 222, but I was hoping it would be a viewed as big(ger) step up from my current ND5 XS and XS2 than broadly comparable to an HE. Perhaps it will be.

I haven’t heard the Atom HE but have recently owned the Nova, and now the 222/300/250, which is a significant step up from the Nova.

You might need the 222 feeding a 250 (NC or DR) to really appreciate what the 222 gives above and beyond the Atom HE or your ND5 XS and XS2.


I auditioned a Nova, then a Nova into an NC250, then swapped the Nova out for a 222. The step up from nova to nova plus NC250 was large, the move from nova plus NC250 to 222 plus NC250 was noticeable, but not as significant.

I recognise that the “internals” of a Nova are not necessarily the same as the Atom HE, but similar. Not sure if that’s useful, but might support Nigel’s comment above.

I’m really interested in NSC 222 but I can’t find any “significant” advantage to invest in something like that…because I really don’t hear.
…who hears what is relative, for “Substantial amount of money”
+/- 3200 EUR (in EU)

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I believe the ones who need pure analog preamp will gain the advantage of 222 to Atom HE.

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I doubt that’s a majority opinion and I wouldn’t take it as one unless you listen for yourself. I have experience with the Atom but not head to head and don’t see how these boxes are in the same conversation. If anyone thinks these boxes sound the same then they lucked out and saved some money.


If I like the 222 I plan to pair it with the NC 250, although I’d have preferred a separates approach - streamer / pre / power - but it doesn’t look like that’s going to happen at the 200 price point.

I also note that the price difference between a 222/300 and a 333/332 is not really that great at £4,400. By all accounts the latter combination being a significant uplift in SQ. But my speakers would likely need to be upgraded to really hear the difference.

So it looks like I’ll have a lot to audition.

I thought that at first but I don’t find this disappointing at all anymore, and it only speaks to the merits of the Atom HE when connected to a good power amp for streaming. I actually feel, while popular, the HE to be still quite under appreciated in the Naim line up for what it does.

I have not compared to the Nova (with or without power amp) directly but not surprised at the improvement people are hearing. I chose to have the Atom HE over my previous NDX2, it was a breath of fresh air (but appreciate this is preference between OC and NC).

This only makes the 222 more special. It also has a phono that would take ~ 1.5k to beat, a high quality full analogue line and it of course can be improved with the dedicated PSU if desired and affordable.
When I first auditioned the 222 at home against the HE I was initially also expecting some crushing difference (so returned the 222 slightly smug but also disappointed), yet thinking on and during the 2nd audition I realised the modest difference does help improve on musicality and connection, is more pronounced on some music and less on other, but as a whole it’s more about the package and upgrading option the 222 offers.
Still, again, if for a straight streaming only system, the HE is a killer - well, especially with something like the NC250!:))


Thanks for that. However, as I am only looking at streaming, some of the preamp benefits are not that relevant to me.


To my ear, the 222 is a big step up to anything from the Uniti range. The Atom HE is good but doesn’t compare sonically to the 222. Whether it is a big enough difference to justify the doubling of the price of a HE, only the buyer can decide. I recently heard the 333/332 combo against a 222/300 into 250 and 350 power amps. The 333/332 was much better but would I buy it, not unless I win big on the premium bonds? How much one is willing or able to spend does to a large degree determine at what level you say enough is enough. From a purely financial stance, I could afford to go up the level but it would mean I wouldn’t have money to do other things I want to do. As it is I am sticking with my 222/300 and listening to a very enjoyable presentation of my music of choice.


I find this appealing from an upgrade path standpoint. It’s not very cost prohibitive to get up to the next level. And quite a few different paths available while keeping your box count at 3 or 4.

How is it all sounding Nigel? I’m aware of your systems over recent years so have a curly question for you…how do you think 222/300/250NC compares (probably) to ndx2/555dr/282/hc/250dr?

It is all sounding rather lovely, and still improving - see my feedback posts in this thread.

Although I have had some of the OC components you mention, I have never heard that particular line-up, so I simply cannot speculate on how it would compare to my NC system. One thing is for sure, they will both sound great but with different sound signatures.

Sorry I can’t be of more help.

Thanks Nigel. How would you describe the NC signature? I completely appreciate this would be your opinion and not gospel. Sorry to pester - only, with the loss of our Naim dealers here in NZ any potential purchase would be completely blind so I’m just trying to build up a feeling. I let go of my NDS as its streaming issues were annoying and am still trying to figure out a way forward. Cheers.

I was listening to my NC system today and it was sounding smooth but detailed with no hint of harshness. Leading edges are fast and there is grip and solidity to instruments and voices. Some added detail to what I recall from OC systems. Not a hint of fatigue over long listening sessions. A real test for me is if a system can convey emotion in music and thankfully this system delivers. Music bounces along with great energy and PRaT. Above all it displays musicality, an over-used and poorly-understood descriptor.

By the way my ND555 and the NSC222 both work flawlessly as streamers.



A new distributor has been appointed for Aus and NZ

Patience is a virtue - demos in time mate :+1:

Yep. But who knows what will actually happen here in NZ. A whole lot of new dealers will have to come on board - could be ages away. All very much up in the air so how long does one wait?

Thanks Nigel - great comments and very useful. Many thanks again.

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