The Naim New Classic Range - Part 2

Indeed - my dealer is saying “just sit tight”

You’ve got a dealer (lucky bugger) - my excellent local one that I’ve bought kit off for years is gone and won’t have Naim back.

Do you still have this?

Very interesting, thanks for sharing. May I ask with which power amp and which speakers you heard the Atom HE? Then there are three users who could not find a serious difference between 222 (bare) and Atom HE in a direct comparison, @JayJ, @garcon and you. The main advantage of the 222 is probably the phono and upgarde capability with NPX 300. As I could hear at my dealer in comparison, it is a very big step forward for the 222 when was combined with 300, but with a high additional price tag. From there, it also seems not implausible to me that the pure 222 (without 300) is close to the Atom HE for streaming only.


not sure if it counts as a ‘trick’ but don’t forget you can use an OC PS with the 222, ok so you will need the cable, but if some already has an XPS or 555, it could be a more economical way of getting an uplift from 222 bare…just a thought. I’m certainly enjoying 222/555DR. I’m noticing a few elements to the sound that better 272, not exactly technical (HiFi way), but in the way I’m hearing well known recordings in a slightly different way and thinking I haven’t heard it quite like that before. It is sort of to do with timing I think (?). Very hard to describe in words.


Just for proper understanding. Have you heard the Atom HE in direct comparison to 222 or 333? As far as Atom (regular) and Nova are concerned, I had the same experience. It’s a very big step up with 200/300 series. I’m not so sure about the Atom HE when I read other posts here.

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setup Atom HE, NAP 200, PMC 23i then connected NSC 222

So, diferent sources show diference, but HE vs. NSC - 10 to max 18%

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Not in direct comparison. I have heard all the uniti range many times and own a Star. The HE is a bit better than a Star with a 250DR or was when I made the comparison to my ear. For me, the 222 with a 250DR is a further step up and definitely above the HE. If I couldn’t afford a 222 I would be very happy with the HE, however, as I can afford the 222 and have it with the 300 currently into a 250DR. It is all about diminishing returns, the 222 is twice the price of a HE and is not twice as good but worth the extra to me, others might make a different choice.


you should probably try? Or not?:slight_smile:

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As mentioned earlier I did the direct comparison and found the bare 222 clearly better than an HE, into Active ATCs.

At the end of the day it is all just opinions though. Anyone wanting to know needs to do the comparison in their room with their gear.


Could it be that they differ more into actives? Possibly?

I found them virtually indistinguishable when going into SN3 and with slight difference in favour of 222 into a power amp.

I have both and no need to justify a purchase or choice, only want to be helpful and honest to interested people trying to make a decision - and do agree it’s worth comparing directly, best in your own room (and don’t forget to match loudness levels!:)).



Speaking of outperformanance- how is sn3 ndx2 vs nsc222 w new 250? If we are truly source first, should the ndx2 outperform the nsc, however the pre might better on nsc and certainly the power… i find it interesting that naim goes old classic high end streamer w integrated then in next iteration posibly a step or two up to integrated streamer pre and separate amp combo. I have the power supplies for my old system. How will the new system sound?

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With the new NC200 and NC300 series there seems to be many ways to use both NC and OC power supplies across the OC and NC ranges. Is the 555psDR possible to use both on sources (streamer 333) and on preamplifiers (222 and 332) of the NC series? I think I lost track of this among all discussions of old and new ranges of psu. :blush:

The 555PS will only power sources not preamps.

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Are you sure, because the XPs will power the new pre?


yes a 555ps or xps will power new classic pre or streamer with the correct cables.

the supercap/hicap is the bit that wont work with any of the new stuff


Yes. Here it is, the NC222 powered by the 555PS.


Is the screen bigger on NC vs NDX2/ND555?

My Stereophile has arrived.

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