The Naim New Classic Range - Part 2

I guess it’s more about total price, than price per box.
The NSC222 needs 2-3 boxes to upgrade/replace (depending on whether you want to have phono or not). That easiliy raises price by 2.5-3x. Similar on the NAPs, since you need a pair. That’s a relevant jump from 200-series to 300-series system (without extra power supplies, which all are optional).
The nice thing is, that the “upgrades” on the NSC222 can be taken along to 300-series: NPX300, NCV TT (+NPX-TT, if so).

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Only time will respond, when people will be able to compare….

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NDX2 only came out a little while back.
ND555 just yesterday it seems.

Very unlike Naim that has a turnaround that would test the patience of the very best BBC wildlife camera photographers.

Richard I understand the confusion WhatHifi and other sites are quoting higher US $ prices eg $10,999 for a Nac 332.

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It’ll be interesting to hear how it compares to the 222/300/250.

Both the NDX2 and ND555 appeared 5 years ago.

Of course, they are still current and continue in the Naim product range.


NAP350 - the amplifier that goes to eleven… :crazy_face:

Power Output - 175 Watts into 8Ω , 345 Watts into 4Ω

Clearly this means that both 135’s and 500’s are just doorstops now… :astonished:

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I swapped from NDX2/282/250 to 222/300/250 as soon as the 200 series was launched and got a very favourable trade in for my used kit at the time. So still pleased with the decision. This might change when I hear the 300 series though :slight_smile:

Also now very interested to hear how 333/332/250 as a 3 box setup compares with 222/300/250, I was expecting the difference in price points to be quite a bit more……


I guess I’m having a hard time grasping what advantage the 333 has over the NDX2. The 333 is using an inferior DAC chip with what seems to be a more compressed design. It’s a 222 with the preamp removed and an analog output section added for what will be over $2k more than an NDX2 (or 222) in the USA. It doesn’t add up. Keeping them both in production adds even more confusion without any rational explanation for the price gap.

In addition, it seems you get more for your money out of the 222 vs the 333 considering there is more taken away from the 222 than added in the 333, but the 333 is substantially more expensive.


Yes. That’s what was behind my question really.


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Yep, time will tell - looking forward to a demo listen now, having kidded myself that being so content with my 200 series nothing new would tempt me! :joy:

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Did you read Steve’s ( @110dB ) post earlier? I’ll repeat it here for you;

The 222 and 333 use the backend of the PCM1971A, just the DAC array part.

When used with the SHARC DSP for the integer oversampling we found the 1791 to sound better than the 1792.


In your logic the Crown XLS 1002 in bridge mode, offering 1X 700 W in 8 ohm, costing around 750 euros, will leave the 350 monos in dust :rofl:

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:musical_note: We don’t talk about B[ox count] :musical_note:



Steve… crazy queston: can the NPX-TT power a first generation NDX and a NVC-TT at the same time?

Congrats on the new products!

I think that Naim knows what they are doing and thought through how they want it… If you are in doubt, you can always listen for yourself and compare.

If you’re referring to my £40k quoted figure that was to replace our system like for like, so included 2 x NPX300. A 6 box setup mirroring what we currently have.

NSS333 + NPX £13+k
NAC332 + NPX £13+k
NAP350 £12+k

Plus Powerlines and speaker cables of course.

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It’s not that clear cut. Just because something is new (by any manufacturer) doesn’t mean it’s better, or a better value. There are many who would still take an nDAC over anything Naim has produced since excluding an NDS/ND555. I don’t question the preamp or the amplification released. The 333 seems suspect to me in regards to value.


People get too hung up on tech specs, the overall design and deployment of the hardware and software is what matters.


Hi Chris,

The NPX TT can only power the NVC TT phono stage. It can’t power an NDX.

On the other hand an NPX 300 powering a NAC 332 or NSC 222 can power the NVC TT via the 8-pin DIN input socket on the back of the 332 or 222. The NPX TT can be added to this setup as an optional upgrade.

When using the NVC TT with a 3rd party system or Naim legacy system the NPX TT will be needed. This is because there is no 8-pin DIN socket to power it.
