The Naim New Classic Range - Part 2

I don’t know I’m afraid BJM. Best confirmed by your dealer or by Naim themselves.

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Sorry this is thread drift, but all turned off now as the system is tripping the electrics. Prime suspect is the amp section (tho in theory could be core or phoenix) as the 555psx2 and linn ps all fine. Bother

Excellent review of 222/300/250 online today from Jason Kennedy in Hifi Plus. His view is that Naim have gone back to their roots


Really ???

Like to get @Richard.Dane comment on that conclusion !

He has more knowledge on the history sound than most of us here

His conclusion, not mine!

My personal view is that Naim have never lost sight of their “roots”. Still, it’s nice to hear that JK liked the NC NAP250 and I guess he means it’s even more engaging than ever.


Yep got that crispyduck

Don’t you just love these reviewers :grinning:

Indeed! I think his point was about a focus on rhythm and musicality (whatever that is) rather than 3D soundstage. Different to other reviewers IIRC🙄

I’m hoping to be there too.

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Sounds like marketing bs when he undoes everything he says by stating

“Under the lid the NAP 250 still has DR (discrete regulator) tech and a substantial toroidal transformer, it’s also based on the same circuitry but differs from the NAP 250 DR by offering 100W rather than 80W”

So those extra 20 watts take Naim back to its roots :rofl:

All fine now :blush:

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My personal reference of Naim’s “roots”, and identity if you like, has always been the Nait 2. I don’t think the Classic gear had lost its roots at all but to me my NC Naim setup comes a lot closer to the speed and direct intravenous like engagement that the Nait 2 is capable of.
The NC has more natural colours (to use a TV colour saturation analogy). The sound stage improvement is something that attracted me as early as the Atom HE (and later the 222) compared to Classic (NDX2). The NC250 really complemented and completed this all as a signature. A simple setup and a really good place to be for me.


Jason Kennedy also did a video review for The Ear over on Youtube, and in a nutshell, he really likes them…


I agree.

I really liked this comment by JK

The DAC is specced to cope with a maximum of 32-bit/384kHz PCM and DSD128. Naim, as ever, does not play the numbers game but uses converter chips that sound good rather than have the most impressive specs; an entirely laudable approach.

In my experience, Naim has always focused on the sound that results rather than the specs or test results. Being of a certain age I am old enough to remember how the hi-fi establishment reacted to the heresy that listening is as or more important than test results which Naim and Linn put forward in the 70s. This philosophy is continued today, which still seems to cause some debate, as shown by those who voiced concern about the chips Naim used and seemingly did not get that Naim has always gone the best-sounding route over the best-measuring route if and/or when they diverge.


Say what you will about the new design, but there is nothing that beats the green glow against the black background in the otherwise dark music room while the cold autumn wind blows outside :innocent: Tonight there will be jazz music :notes::notes:


It was a good read, but this was a bit strange

Word on the street has it that there will be a New Classic series phono stage coming soon.

I assume that’s just an error and the NVC TT is what’s being referred to!?


If NC.


People used to say that about the Red LEDs.

I am very happy with the white light and even happier with the NC SQ.

I like your description and it is obviously based on experience across the ranges.

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This review originally appeared many months ago on The Ear website. At that time the NVC TT had not yet appeared.

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