The Naim New Classic Range - Part 2

Although perhaps a bit less relevant as they won’t have a 333 to put the 300 on, so the 332 is the only option. :grinning:


I can say I was completely surprised of the difference the NPX300 made on the 332. Much bigger difference than going from HiCapDR to SCDR on the 282 or adding XPSDR on the NDX2 and the 272.

No interest on my end for a 333 so my decision was easy. :grinning:


Are you contemplating 2 x 350s at all?

Out of budget and don’t think they are needed with the D7.2s.

I’m sure if I heard them I’d want them and I’m pretty much done expect for phono cartridges as my audio budget is pretty much tapped out.

So I will avoid listening to them like the plague

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Great comments Rooster thought you nailed it :ok_hand:

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Very inteeresting. As I remember it a few persons or at least one has tried 555 on a 222 and liked the result, but I am not sure this was compared to a 300, most likely you do not compare when you already has a 555 on hand. Anyway interesting times in the future. I wonder if I should go for 555 on 332 or save up for 350s. It will have to wait a while anyway.

@Claus I’m one of those people who is using 555DR (two burndies) on 222, and although I heard the 222/300 at the dealers I didn’t hear 222 with a 555. Dealer was convinced the 555 would be better than 300, but obviously you miss the added functionality and have a green logo! I’m waiting to hear from someone who has a 555 on a 332, which will be a very interesting combination.

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My guess is the 555 Would be better than the NPX300. Especially with the dual burndies. Here in the States they are rare and expensive so I didn’t even think of trying one.


I’m using a 555 with my 222 and very happy with the results and tried it with one and two burndies. I’m not aware of any missing functionality and the green logo is hardly noticeable on the rack. If I didn’t already own the 555 I’m not sure I would buy the 300 since the 555 can be had for less at s/h prices. Though they don’t pop up much in the states. I got lucky and scored an almost new one at less than 50% retail. The 222/555/250 is so much more enjoyable than the OC separates in the range. Very happy with the results. I won’t lie, part of me is considering 222/555/350(2). Fun times.


Yes! Me too :metal:
Regarding functionality, it is the power off standby for PS and logo and single ‘button’ switch whole system bit that we miss by using OC PS. Not a great deal really, but someone contemplating this arrangement may find it of importance to them so I mentioned it.

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Gotcha, thanks, I don’t turn my system off so hadn’t noticed.

The 350s are very very good. Have been visiting my dealers regularly of late for NDS problem and getting Karousel upgrade to Linn LP12. Have been listening to 222, 333, 300NPX, 332, 2 x 350s.

350s are very very nice tbh. Wouldn’t mind them at all. Lol.

Have 2 x 135s so bit of a difference in price!

The NC stuff is epic and if I had funds would be tempted to go for all of it. It is different to OC in my view. Much cleaner and more modern.

Different sound to me. Brave New World.


My 5-box 300 system is finally run in. Nothing dramatic, it somehow relaxed completely to the point where it just effortlessly delivers music. The system shows no sense of strain, even at higher volumes. I close my eyes and the singer, band, orchestra, or whatever are there performing right in front of me.

When I took the power supply from the streamer and put it back on the pre-amp the fuller, more articulate bass returned. There was a bit more structure, weight and authority in the overall presentation.

What did I lose? A little bit of sparkle, a little bit of space around the music. Think of a dressing that really lifts a salad from good to excellent, or your favourite sauce which makes a steak something special. Now take those away.

For me the NSS333 with the NPX300 is an extrovert, the life and soul of the party. It brings to mind a drive in a convertible with the roof down, a walk through the woods on a crisp, sunny spring morning. The NAC332 with the NPX300 is an introvert, the steady, dependable friend who is always there for you. I think of an armchair in front of a warm fire in the depths of a winter’s evening, with a glass of single malt or cognac by my side.

Take either one away and I miss it; there is room for both in my life! However, my bottom line is that while I was still mourning the lost definition in the bass up to the last, I have quickly accepted that I can cope without the extra sauce. Given a five box system 332/300 is my combination of choice.

I will demo a second power supply and I’m looking forward to hearing how the full 6-box combination sounds. I’m also going to try out a PowerHAUS S6 (thinking that the M6 is more suited to a 500 system than a 300 system?) and a PhoenixNET. I am intrigued to compare the effect of one or both of those against the second 300.

Hopefully the demo NPX300 will already be fully run in, but the power block (possibly?) and PhoenixNET (definitely) will need time to settle down to release their full potential. This is easily going to become a six-month project, if not longer.


Nice write up. Phoenix net, in my system was transformational but does need a least a week from cold, even for a demo unit


Can you run it both with one or two burndies. Your post suggest that. Waht was the difference? Obvious logic would suggest one good, two better.

If it’s like most higher end Naim gear, it should have a bit more to give and open up again around 6 months…

The 332/NPX300 is stunning with my LP12. It should be the NRC Range as I have a new record collection ,

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With the 555 you have the choice of connecting the 222 to one output OR with both outputs of the 555. I initially used a single output via the legacy SXPS to NC burndy then switched to both outputs using two legacy 555 to NC burndies.

I incorrectly assumed I would need to use a single output like the 272 but the 222 has two inputs so both outputs of the 555 can be used.

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but did the second burndy change the sq?

Sorry, yeah, it was a good uplift, a little more of everything but mostly rounded out the presentation. It’s easily worth the extra burndy cost for me and it doesn’t make sense to not take advantage of both outputs if the component is sitting there anyway. Though I’m sure many would be content with using only one output.

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Very interesting @ElMarko , thanks for this. At a recent Naim demo, I asked Jason his preference between a 300 PS or a 555 PS on the NC 333. I wasn’t at all surprised that his view was for the 555 over the 300.

I asked the question as I am considering finding a pre-loved nDAC to go with my ND5 XS2 and then powering the DAC with a 555. I could then switch the streamer and DAC down the line for a 333, powered by the 555, assuming it was a worthwhile improvement. Alternatively, I might just take the easy route and go for the 333.

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