The Naim New Classic Range - Part 2

Like Ryder says, nice write up! I also think you’ll get great benefits going with a Phoenixnet. I’m running an EE8 with a power supply and it’s been transformational with my modest system.

Thanks for the complement, and to @marcusman.

I’d like to try the second power supply first, then power block and switch in that order, although it does depend on what the dealer has available when.

As for warming up the PhoenixNet, presumably the important bit is to have it connected to the mains and switched on rather than to have data passing through it. It will be easy enough to install it and connect it the network so that it gets some conversation with the rest of the house, but otherwise leave it untouched for a week and then plug in the business end (audio devices) ethernet cables at the appropriate time.

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Just a hypothesis

I totally understand! Just another route on the journey to audio bliss.

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Yes just leave it plugged in if it is the demo unit, the clock needs to stabilise

As for upgrade order, my guess is the switch will be the biggest upgrade vs power block but you would have to try both

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No dealer live links here please. Thanks.

Interesting that the benefits of a single NPX in the 300 system is the opposite (I.e the 333 + 300 shoes the most gain) to what has been reported elsewhere on one of the NC threads. For the addition of the 300 to the 332 to be described as disappointing is very unexpected. I have a fairly comprehensive demo booked for next week. I’m not looking at the 333 (no Amazon integration - why not?? it doesn’t get bigger than Amazon!) but rather the 250, 332, 300 and 350 in combinations totalling 3 boxes. I’m going to be very interested to see what the differences are between 332/300/250 and 300/350 are given that the cost is pretty much the same. Having read this piece it feels like the latter will prevail. Possibly less of a ‘mullet’ being an £8k pre plus £12k power as opposed to a £14k pre plus £6k power. Big question though is will any of it significantly improve on my current 252/SCDR/250DR set up?

Did you mean to stay ‘between 332/300/250 and 332/350’?

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From the New Classic 300 Series thread

Highlights so far -

Audio from monaural NAP 350’s appears from near silence.

NAP 350’s have the ability to convey enormous dynamics swings and best of all its all done at blistering speed. Audio starts and stops and back to near silence in an instant with no bloat or overhang. To experience this is uncanny and awesome because you’re consistently left thinking did this just happen?

Truly remarkable :slightly_smiling_face:


I like @Musicraft ’s description. It’s an honest take.


You could consider a second hand Naim CD5 XS, Bodley. I have done that and it is very good. It is fine either via either RCA or DIN with its own internal DAC or via BNC SPDIF to a Naim streamer or DAC.

thank you Richard, now I have become a complete source first believer for quite a few years and that’s the approach I take to enjoy music in any situation now… The Amplifier and speakers are slave to the source.

What system do you have?

Chord Mscaler/Dave as a digital source.

Nac 282/HCDR/250DR - Dynaudio focus 260

Really enjoying listening to my 300 series. One thing in particular is the soundstage. With my previous system I was used to the sound being centred with some details left and right. Now the instruments are spread nicely across the full width. With eyes closed it is difficult to pinpoint exactly where the speakers are, just a nice wide wall of music.

I actually notice some depth as well which I have not done before having this system. It is nice to be able to follow individual instruments without it spoiling the whole sound. Everything is well integrated and musical.

My iMac is playing up so I can’t access my Roon core but am now concentrating on my rips which are connected directly to my NSS333, played via the Naim app. I truly am hearing things I hadn’t heard before and getting re-acquainted with my albums. Happy days!


I spent a very enjoyable three hours or so in the Green Room yesterday, James took me through the new range and and I have to agree with pretty much everything people have been saying about the new kit, yes it’s different, I loved it … time flew by! I’d asked to listen to the 332 & 250 and then 332 & 350s. Well over an hour later with the 332/250 I was sold :slightly_smiling_face:
Then it was the turn of the 350s, from what people have said about them I realise this was dangerous thing to do, but I wanted to find out how big a difference they are to the 250, did they make me enjoy the music more and would they be worth the significant extra cost to me? As many have already said the answer to the first question is yes, there is a very big difference :slightly_smiling_face:. Did I enjoy the same tracks more, heck yes … I was pretty much stunned by how much more I was drawn into the music … it felt like the whole system had been swapped over to a level above and not just the power amps. I was in trouble at this point and had to seriously think about my last question!

End result, my 282/250/SN3 traded in against the 332/350 … incredibly excited to say the least, can’t wait to pick them up :grinning:

Thanks to James and Henry for a very enjoyable Monday!


If you think you enjoyed them during the demo, wait until you have yours working with your system in your house! :grinning:

I am of course assuming that you used the same speakers as yours?

Also loving the volume control on the NAC332. Small increments are possible making it useful up to and beyond the 2 o’clock position. This took a bit of getting used to as it originally felt like a large turn of the control was necessary to get a decent volume but after a short while the benefits become apparent.

I have no experience of the NSC222 but suspect it would be the same.