The Naim New Classic Range - Part 2

Slightly annoying to have to have two remotes

Won’t help, neither manual mentions the remotes :roll_eyes:

I came to the same conclusion, although I demoed without the power supply. The 332/250 is fantastic, for all the genres I listened to, but the 350s just stunned me and continue to do so, the difference is not subtle, as you might hope being double the price … it was worth the extra for me.
The 332/350s are it for me now, they’ll see me out. Simply can’t afford the 500 series, so like you I may think about power supplies and maybe source later on but no rush.



Replacing a n272

I was so surprised. Maybe a recent firmware update I wasn’t aware of?

With an nDac, our systems are alike :sunglasses:.

Was it also the case for you that the 350 needed running in to gain more overall balance?

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i did a similar demo using the 222: 250+300 vrs 350 - roughly the same cost- for me the 350 upgrade gave more than the 300 so its on order - i now need to stop thinking about the upgrade paths from here. though the possibilities were an extra factor in favour of the 350 i felt it was the clear winner on SQ even if i never upgrade


Indeed! :slightly_smiling_face:

Yes there have been subtle changes over the two weeks I’ve had them, my dealer said it would continue to settle for a couple of months. It’s been on pretty much 24/7 streaming radio paradise in between listening sessions at a very low volume level.

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The NAC 332 manual has a section about pairing!

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Ok, nothing aside from putting in the batteries and pairing :joy::grinning:

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I agree it could be more detailed, but it does tell you about input assignment and volume trim.

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Mmm… when I receive it I will try one of those Zigbee dongles in my Nas and home assistant and see if there is a way to program the sources and volume to my Harmony remote.

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Hi @RexManning

Thank you for the detailed reply about your time with the 300 Series, and to be honest - your conclusion was as I expected!

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My thinking was similar on the 350 vs 250. I’ll add that the 250 no longer worked for me when I added a 300 to the 332, but the 332/300/350 combination is magical.


Enjoy it when it arrives!

It took my system about four weeks to settle down, and the early part in particular was quite frustrating, but it was worth it.

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Glad to share GeoffC, even though it is just one opinion of course.

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Order lead times are down to weeks according to my dealer, so hopefully I will be joining in the fun soon. It will give me time to give my 252dr some tlc before parting with it.


I bet :grinning:
I demoed the four box system they show in their marketing shots, 333/332/350s, and yes it was quite special, even with the difference in rooms.

One of the things I really like about the new 300 series, is that you can now have a fantastic sounding system without the necessity of additional power supplies, less boxes/cables is always good, for me at least, but then you still have the option to further increase things with the power supplies at any time. Very well thought out and so much easier for people new to Naim to understand.


I suppose I’m lucky I can accommodate a stack of boxes comparatively easily.

I was immediately won over when I added a 300 to the 332, to make a five box system. I’m currently trying out a second 300 with the 333. While it does add some improvement, the box still seems to be running in so I haven’t made a final decision.

Actually, I am not fully convinced that I will keep the 333 as my streamer long term, but to avoid going off topic the thinking behind this probably belongs in another thread.

Wrt the remote, I mostly like it and figured out how to change volume, mute, and scroll through the inputs, wish there was a direct input/one push button for sources. It’s be nice if Naim would add some programmable buttons so we can assign our most used functions to a particular button. If anyone finds documentation for the remote functions please share. I don’t know what these other buttons are for. :smiley:


I think you’re talking about the remote for the 333 & 222? This is the one with the button and touch-sensitive disc inside the circle - which don’t appear to have any effect on my machine when I press them.

The 332 remote has six buttons which correspond to the input buttons on the front of the 332.

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