The Naim New Classic Range - Part 2

Even under its own steam the NAC 332 is superior to the NAC 252.

LOL. I tried it without the NPX300 and it was not close to the 252.


i heard that if you put the 332 on its side like statement its better than a 552ā€¦just thought id join in on the talking rubbish


Of course thatā€™s only your opinion.


That is true but blatantly obvious.

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Ha but some folk think their opinions are facts.


Agree Pete, some members write their posts as if they had the absolute truth.


Yes and we all know my wife is the only one that speaks the absolute truth. :grin:


No no no, thatā€™s my wife :sunglasses:


Itā€™s interesting, because the opinion, which is presented as a fact, even exceeds what the Naim designers claim as the relative position of the classic and new classic range. Sort of loses credibilityā€¦ā€¦ but then, Iā€™m not trying to sell something.

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Yep, Iā€™m going on what my dealer has said. He feels the 200/300 are series different, heā€™s never used the word ā€œbetterā€.


It might be everyoneā€™s wife. :scream:


That wouldnā€™t surprise me, 332 is higher up in the hierarchy and the NC sound is different and preferred by a growing number of users, myself included. I didnā€™t find the 252 to be very enjoyable with a NDX2 and I prefer my current 222/555 to that combo. No biggie if people disagree, and they have lots of discounted options from which to chose now.

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As a followup to his NC 250 review, Martin Colloms has a 222 review in the new Stereophile, both with and without the 300 PS. As always, a highly professional and perceptive analysis.

In my set up the NPX absolutely transforms the 332. Without it, it lagged behind the 252DR, with it it is substantially better. This is with a near Klimax LP12.

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We all have our preferences, the 332 would have to be pretty bad to not outperform a 252 for me, but my experience is only with all Naim components.

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Well canā€™t use the 252 without the SCDR

The real question is does the single box 332 outperform the 2 box 252/SCDR

Otherwise whatā€™s the point in changing if one is looking to reduce box count


Exactly our experience at demo with a range of sources up to ND555.

For about 5 years (12+ years ago), I had a NAC 252 / SuperCap in my system and as you would expect it was very good. Note - before that I had a NAC 82 with 2 HiCaps, which was very enjoyable.

Unfortunately life changed, and I needed to let the 252/SuperCap go, so a very capable Supernait2 was purchased to keep me smiling every day.

With 40 years experience of naim amplification I believe the NAC 332 using the new internal power supply is the best preamplifier I have owned.


You did go from a 252/SUP to a Supernait2 and then up to the 332?

Did you get a 252/SUP to compare in your set with the 332 again?

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