The Naim New Classic Range - Part 2

Ah, that’s a bit different then. I was (wrongly) under the impression that the middle circle was effectively a blank. But so long as it works…

It would just be nicer if it had something special about it, It’s simply a Uniti Remote control that’s been slightly reconfigure. For the size of Naim and for the asking price of the preamp, a nice metal case with metal buttons would’ve been lovely. Hopefully in the future, they will bring out something Or maybe the statement remote control would work? If so, does anybody know if it could be purchased separately?


Probably need replacing after about 7yrs. :neutral_face:

The NAC 332 remote is fine, it does the job.

It only lights when touched or picked up, and quickly changes to all off when not in use. The volume position dial is useful when the preamplifier (and system) is not in line of sight - as it is, in my set up.

Once listening begins, the music grabs your attention and that’s what matters.


Oops. Bought the 332/350 and the 252dr/250dr is gone… we decided to let the demo set be where it is. Goodbye to an old friend!


I say “Oops” when I drop my toast on the floor :wink:


For those like me who don’t get a print copy of Hi-Fi News, the 332/333/350 review is now online.


Congratulations :champagne:
Enjoy your music :+1:

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Fantastic :tada::grinning:

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Need some advice!

How should I connect REL T9x sub high level via stackable banana to new classic NAP 250?

So far I have used standard high level hookup described below on my SN3 but not sure about how to proceed with NAP 250. I use Designcable version of bassline blue.

Is NAP 250 a differential amplifier? On Designcable website they write…

Connecting your REL to the amplifier….

The standard high level hook up procedure is: attach the red wire to the amplifier’s right positive speaker output terminal; attach the yellow wire to the amplifier’s left positive speaker output terminal; attach the black wire to which ever of the amplifier’s ground output terminals is convenient; plug the Speakon connector into the sub’s high level input.

For differential amplifiers using one sub, simply use the standard connecting scheme with the exception of connecting ground to chassis ground, not to speaker output ground, and then connecting into the high level input


Can’t you just attach to the back of the speaker sockets instead? Ie use the two positive inputs plus one of the ground inputs….


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Hi, thanks for answer. Even if it would work I rather not as then I have to cut the cable. Still I need to know if amp is considered balanced/differential or not as REL says NOT to do connection from back of speakers if that’s the case as it can harm the speakers and amp.

Haha! You just slipped and spent approx. 13 000£. How’s that saying: sh&@ happens? :sweat_smile:

After having the 332/300 for 11 weeks, I can say it’s substantially better than the 252DR.


Haha, I can understand how this might look taken out of context.

I stated earlier that I was going to order this combination after extensive demoing and looking forward to the long wait and having some time with my old system during that.

The time was cut short by my dealer, offering to trade the (new) demo set on the spot. That was the “oops” :wink:


There’s no reason why the new 250 souldn’t work fine with your sub connected as you have it now. Given that the new amps are said to be more cable tolerant, I’m pretty sure you would be fine even without the special Naim mod yours have. It’s bridged amps like the NAP500 that you need to be careful with.

Crafty dealer :slightly_smiling_face: Sounds like you had a good trade in offer :+1:

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Thanks ChrisSU, thats reassuring!