The Naim New Classic Range - Part 2

I found that the NPX 300 was a worthwhile addition to the NSC 222. If my budget had been lower I would have happily settled for the three-box 200 series setup. In my case though once I’d heard the 333 & 332 there wasn’t any going back. Beware!


I do take your point, very well made. I don’t always follow the easy path though. My dealer used exactly that logic in favour of the Core!

You have only just bought the 333 so, take it from someone who never follows his own advice :wink: give it a year and see how you feel.

There’s no immediate rush. I’m still evaluating having a 300 paired with the 333 for a six-box system.

I was using SN2 / HiCapDR / 250DR. The NAC 332 demo was at home.

I wish you all the best with your mind-reading career.

My audio memory is 100% sound.


Indeed! However, over the next couple of years I want to get to my end game system. Having retired, my next move will likely be it, so it’s a matter of choosing the right path. In the short term I could go NSS 333 and a used SN 3, and pick up a NAC 332 and NAP 250 later on in separate steps. I’m not sure of the order, but as the SN 3 can operate as a pre or a power I can decide later. I’d have to hear what it sounds like first though :grinning:.
If I went NSC 222 / NAP 250 and then later took an NPX 300, which I already know makes a significant improvement, then I would not be that far short of a 3 box 300 series system. Hence my dilemma and why I was interested in your NSS 333 thoughts, in case that wasn’t a good option.

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So are you saying you have 100% recollection of the quality of a system from 12 years ago, when comparing to a new system today. I am both impressed and sceptical


I’d say it’s wordplay :slight_smile:


If you’re ok with used kit, a second hand nds has a better dac and works seamlessly with Innuos.

Food for thought. I’m not sure I’ve seen many people say that the NDS has a better DAC though.

Went to purchase a new system for the front room to replace a SuperUniti which was required to become our office system with some old Dynaudio Audience 52’s. Listened to 222/250NC via some floor standing Rega speakers, thought it was ok but not obviously better than I am used to (SN3/NDAC/XP5XS/ND5XS). Ultimately purchased another SN3 and an ND5XS2 (both ex-dem). Very pleasantly surprised with how good the sound is with a pair of PMC20.23’s and there is always the option to upgrade with an NDAC. Saved me £6k as well compared with the NC option.


Interesting observations.
Maybe mirrors our own experiences.

Back at the beginning of 2023, looked (listened) and considered NSC222 / NC250.
Good as the NC combo is, (brilliant 2 box solution), felt that ND5 XS2 → SN3 + HCDR was a better direction (for us). So, settled on original classic pieces instead. Like you, cost us a lot less, for maybe more music :+1:
(Note : Already had nDAC at home to offer further improvement to new incoming OC pieces)

Can heartily recommend ND5 XS2 → DC1 → nDAC → HiLine DIN → SN3 + HCDR as a great system.

Always leaves open possibility for another move to NAC 332 + NC NAP later :wink:

Good luck


Sorry, no mind reading ability here, actually if your audio memory is 100% sound, you may actually be the one with the super human brain. I don’t understand these sort of reply’s, it’s like I insulted your ability of being an audiophile, which wasn’t the intent.

While somethings audio related our brains seem to remember well, other aspects not so much. If you don’t have a constant reference, you won’t know its happening.

I know personally I’ve experienced this numerous times. One example is I had two different levels of kit, the main kit was setup at a family members house while doing extensive renovations & waiting to build my dedicated listening space. So the small kit was setup in my living room, which got listened to more often. The small kit was worth ~ 1/10 of the main kit, at one point I was listening to the small kit quite regularly & it had been months since I heard the main kit. As time went on the small kit was sounding better & better, I started thinking to myself, why have I spend so much on the main kit, this small setup is a fraction of the cost & probably 95% as good. So after months I went to the family members house, plugged in the main kit for 3-4 hour warm up & sat down to listen. It wasn’t 5 seconds in that I knew the small kit was no wears close & I knew exactly why I spent what I did. Without me knowing my brain had adapted to the lower level kits as its reference.

I’ve had similar things happen numerous times in the past, wasn’t till much later on that I realized what was actually happening. This is why I feel you need to have a constant reference if you want your comparison to be 100% accurate, if you’ve downgraded in between, certain aspects of your audio memory can’t be relied on.


Same dac as in the 555.

I have posted the below post on my other thread and want to ask the question to the wider audience and on the correct thread “My plan is to at least get two of them as having plans to sell the Supernait 3/Hicap DR and ndx2 and buy the NSC 222 to match the preamp but again the dilemma is whether it would be a upgrade or downgrade. I am unfortunate to have a demo before buying as having no dealers in the country which I reside, have to depend on this lovely forum to decide and get the equipment imported”

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Unfortunately you can’t know without hearing for yourself. For my ears the NDX2/HC/SN3 didn’t meet my needs but that’s more b/c of the SN and less the NDX2. I preferred the 272/555/250DR to the former more b/c of the 250DR. I get on with the NC sound, it has me excited about Naim again. It was like there was a disruption in the Naim ethos after the olives and Naim is back on track again. :smiley: For me the 222/250 is an upgrade over most of the OC separates and with a 555 they’re especially good. I haven’t heard the 300 series yet but I suspect they’re exceptional and I’m looking forward to it.

My memory of bad kit is pretty sound. I don’t need to recall the specifics to know I was miserable with my 252/SC2/250.2. The same goes for multiple hours long demos of kit I passed on. Just like my memory of great kit is sound. That aha moment when you first turn on a new box that just sounds great from the start. We all remember those moments.

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Having twice demo’ed the NSC 222 / NAP 250 combo, both with and without an NPX 300 (although I’ve not heard an NDX 2 / SN 3), I wouldn’t expect this to be an upgrade without the NPX. It makes a big difference, but obviously costs more.
I also demo’ed an NDX 2 / NAC 332 / NAP 250, which strangely was much less coherent and musical than the 3 box 200 series combo. So, for me, buying blind would be risky.


it defo does mate, same as ND555, all on the magic floaty brass plates

…and, IMHO, the NC250 being superior to OC250.

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