The Naim New Classic Range - Part 2

Damn…stop talking. LA…LA…LA…not listening.


Absolutely right. I have recently downsized from a 6-box 500 system to a 3-box NC200 system and don’t miss the 500 system. However the NC200 system is very good!

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That’s all very cool Richard that the speaker outputs are being done a little more intuitively now, but when I get an NC I’ll be hooking the speakers up wrong for the first 3 years.
Old gits … ya really can’t design stuff around us … :upside_down_face:

Y’know Nigel … I thought this might be what you done. I didn’t want to pry, so I left it alone. I often consider what I may want to upgrade to in the future, but then I listen to my NDS/SN2 with the Hi-line connector and wonder why I’d want to upgrade anything. I’ll add an ND5XS2, for Qobuz, and some Naim power cables, and some KS-1 speaker cables, but I think that’ll be about it.


Hi @daren_p

I am glad you are very happy with your wonderful 252 / SuperCap / 300 etc system.

But perhaps if you didn’t attribute your views, and respect my ability to judge my own system - the reply would have been different.

How would you, it’s my memory?

My constant reference is the system - it is used every day, usually for at least 5+ hours.

Importantly two system components have been with me a very long time - the CDX2 since 2004, and my iBL’s since 1990. Therefore when changes have been made between my constants - at the front and back end, I am fully aware how those impact the sound.

The other constant is the music itself. Because the collection includes many favourites, I know a lot of the music I play very well - isn’t that how you and everyone else here evaluates their own system updates? No super human memory required for anyone to achieve that, just normal listening, enjoying the music!

My view remains based on what I have heard - the NAC 332 is the best preamplifier I have owned.


I had to downsize due to a house move to a smaller lounge, so can only accommodate one stack of Fraim. The 3-box NC200 system is therefore ideal.

Yes, you can’t miss what you don’t have, especially if you have a very capable replacement system. As long as you enjoy the music there is no need for top notch system.

However, I have not entirely recovered from upgraditis!


My kit had no bearing on my post & isn’t relevant in this case. Yes, my post was based on my experiences & how my brain is able to adapt to things, including sound. Our brains adapt to all sorts of things daily, so based on your response that I don’t know your brain, then you don’t believe yours can adapt to sound? A reference is good, but if you change/downgrade electronics, your point of reference has changed. My point was simply that once you’ve downgraded, your point of reference has now changed, so the differences you hear with the new kit may not be as clear cut as you assume they are vs older kit you no longer own. That’s all, no doubt the 332 is a fine pre.

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When there are many years of experience, points of reference (at different times) don’t always simply disappear, the memory can easily retain them - that can apply to many things including sound (and images, see below).

They are clear cut, I don’t doubt what have heard, or the conclusions I have made.

Simplifying it for you with a comparison -

I used an HD TV (NAC 252 / SuperCap) for a number of years, then went back to a standard definition TV (SuperNait2 / HiCapDR ) still great, but not as good as my previous reference.

Now, I own a 4K UHD TV (NAC 332), and obviously, I haven’t forgotten how good the HD TV was, but I know my latest TV is clearly better than my first point of reference.


Reading the nice review of Martin Colloms in Stereophile, January 2024.

I put the tracks he used in a playlist, in case someone is interested:


Can someone help confirm if the NPX TT can be used as an external power supply upgrade to the NSC222?
I tried to find this on the 222 thread (now closed to ask there too) and elsewhere around here but cannot seem to find this clearly mentioned?

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No. Sorry
It can be used to power Soltice TT
And NVC TT phono

The NPX 300 is needed for NSC222


the NPX TT is to power the NVC TT phono stage. It can also power the Solstice, but not the NSC222.


Ah, just when I thought life could be getting interesting…
I did think I am misreading but kept seeing snippets like this in some descriptions from a couple of dealers online “NPX TT is the dedicated power supply for the NVC TT preamplifier, providing it with even cleaner power. It connects to a number of separate elements, including existing Naim products such as NAC-N 272, enabling them to reach their full potential.…” I think I saw one mentioning the 222 and 333 as well?
For a moment I thought I might have missed it e.g. the NPX TT being like a super Hicap DR! Oh well…: )
Thank you

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Which Focals did they use?

Thank you!

Well no, I s’pose we never really do.

I do certainly enjoy the music/sound and I probably spend a bit less time than many, thinking about what it could sound like. I have other hobbies to ‘feed’ like wine collecting, and such.
My wife also really enjoys the music and the wine as well!


I currently have SN3>Highcap>chord cutest> VPI Classic TT>Mcintosh MP100 phono pre>Focal Sopra N1. After a couple of demos I have decided to go with the NC 300 series. I can do it 2 boxes at a time. My question is what 2 first. I know that the 333 would be one but do I go with 332 or the 350s 1st. I am thinking the NPX 300 would be last. I am pretty sure I would need a special cable to use with the SN3.

Hi, they were Focal Diablo Utopia.

If the 333 is one of the first pair of boxes I’d personally go with the 332, wonderful pre amp and the SN3 is pretty great in power amp mode (used it like that with a 282 for a while), should tide you over fine!


Sounds like a very healthy situation, in fact perfect domestic arrangement.

Consider myself to be lucky, in life, that my best mate (wife) also very much enjoys music and so it’s a shared experience.

We also like fine wine. So, roger that too.
The best mate more so with Gins and has become a bit of a collector ( of rare and interesting Gins) in this regard :wink:

Happy Sunday listening, for today.