The Naim New Classic Range - Part 2

Just noticed this from the NPX 300 description:

it is also possible to add two NPX 300 power supplies to a single preamplifier or a single source. The first can be dedicated to powering the digital sections, and the second to powering the analog sections.

Who’s going to be the first with an 8 box NC system?! :astonished:

For years I had all but given up on upgrading b/c I didn’t like the available options. Now with the NC there’s multiple paths that are appealing and it’s all about deciding which to take. Not a bad place to be.


Agree with @Mark63. Go 332 first

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Finally got the (current) end of the thread :rofl:
Money is tight but I might look at ex dem 333,332 and nc250 to go with my Titan 606. Then down the line look at preloved 300 for the 333 or 332 and one day possibly 350’s but they are way too expensive. From the feeback here a 333/2 seems good step over 222, but home demo would be mandatory

NAP350s next @ElMarko?

My dealer recons the next step after NC222/300/250 is 350s, provided there is a 300 powering the 222.

The usual home demo (where possible) advice still applies of course.


That is a question I am pondering. I’m lucky to have a few dealers within easy drive so might just ask them the same question. What is the opinion of the learned folk on here - especially any that have made the move already?

And yes home demo is required.

Sorry but I am not going to get into a discussion regarding your first point.

The traits that you value most are present with the NAC 332 alone. The difference being that they’re done so with even greater quality and supported with a beautiful field of sound.

I fully understand where your coming from, as that’s exactly what I thought in the past as well. Years back on a local forum, some members would speak about parts of your audible memory not being that great. I always thought, maybe for you but I’m 100% certain this isn’t the case for me (I was probably 20-30 years younger then the majority of audiophiles & just assumed maybe their ears & or memory were going, etc, etc). It wasn’t till I had multiple references that I realized things weren’t as clear cut as I believed they were. This is not something you could possibly be aware of unless you have multiple references as its happening without any knowledge from yourself. Unfortunately it makes our lives as audiophiles not as simple as we’d like/assume it to be.

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This is the path I have gone and have to say a very pleasing outcome it is

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If I upgrade that’s the likely path. I’m content with what I have so I’ll try to resist for now. Hopefully no deals pop up for 350s anytime soon. :smiley:

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If I went with the 333 to the SN3, would I need any special cables? I think I read they were around $500 and would hate to pay that for only a few months use. If it’s only needed with the 332 pre, I think that would make wait until I got the 350’s. Maybe go ahead with 300 PSU for the 333.

333 should be able to connect to sn3 with din or rca.

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I highly recommend the 350s. During my listening tests, I found them to be significantly better than the NC250in terms of control and useable high volume.


Ahh … your home life also seems very healthy and copacetic. It’s so nice being able to share time, fine wine and music with someone you’re so close to. We make some excellent meals together as well.

Whenever anyone brings up the topic/question, I’ve always said the love is 40% trust, 40% respect, and 20% lust (to propagate the species). Other people have some weird descriptions for explaining what love is. Anyway, JMO tho. As one gets older, it tends to be 45-45-10. Hmm, sounds like a fertilizer mix …

The gin enthusiasm sounds interesting. We both enjoy gin, but usually have vodka martinis. But we like gin martinis as well. And G&Ts of course. I think just gin with some ice would be nice, or just neat. We also like Irish Whiskeys like Jameson’s and Redbreast, neat or on the rocks.

And as you said, I also feel lucky and appreciate the things that I see missing in many of our acquaintances relationships.


That gets my vote.

I might try out the second 300 on the preamp and revert the streamer to running bare :slightly_smiling_face:.

That second 300 finally seems to have run in. I’ll collect my thoughts about a six-box system over the next couple of days.

Martin Collums 222/300 review is now online at Stereophile. Hope it is OK to post a link.

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That may give us a problem…

If I say that about my wife, and she also says that about her wife; then we have an unresolvable loop!

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I’ve had a few drinks but that’s totally confused me.

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