The Naim New Classic Range - Part 2

Chatting with my dealer a couple of weeks ago he had the pre amp at around 202 level bare and not quite 282 level with the new power supply.

I suspect there are others on here who will refute that. I haven’t heard it or amps at 202/282 level so wouldn’t be able to judge.

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I have had 202, 282 and 252, the latter two with with SuperCapDR and 250DR. These pre/power combos were used with NDS and ND555. I now have the NC222/300/250, so I am in a reasonable position to compare the 222 to OC pre amps.

The character of the sound of 222 is rather different to 283 and 252, and we are also comparing the integral streamer in the 222 to whatever is used with the OC pre amps. So comparisons are spurious.

All I know is that I am enjoying my NC rig more than all my OC set ups, with the exception of my 500 system. I should add however that I used a UnitiServe with all my OC rigs, but now have a pukka Melco server. I suspect the UnitiServe was a bottleneck.


i replied to you because you said " 222 seems unlikely at the NDS level ". I believe that too.

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I wondered if anyone has had the chance to demo, or live with, the NAP350 monoblocs. I am curious to know your impressions. Years ago I owned a pair of very early NAP135 monoblocs and that was one of the best sounding systems I ever had.

Goes without saying that an 82 would have changed all that😅 (Olives for the win🤩)

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I traded in a ND5XS2 for 222/300/PhoenixNET - the latter combination gives much greater clarity, dynamics and space to my cloth ears.
No idea on the split of cost in 222 components or that interested where it sits against classic range but all I can say is it’s really enjoyable for streaming - I’d say it’s a synergy thing.
If vinyl is your preference maybe consider chopping 222 for a 332.


I’m also happy with my 222 and prefer the convenience of streaming. I was curious though that I found my old Rega P3 performed really well through the 222 (although not it’s phono stage) and was very competitive with the 222 streaming. Leads me to wonder whether the bulk of the 222 value is in the pre-amp. Just a thought. I might borrow an alternative streamer/dac and try that through the 222 as an experiment.


You won’t be disappointed,believe me.
It’s only a week that I’m running a full NC 300 system and the sound coming out of the boxes is truly amazing. Particularly my speakers, Pmc Fact 12, really shine. They never sounded so good with the previous combo 252/SC dr / 300 dr. Nap 350 are powerful and have all the things we love about Naim. Pace,timing,dynamics are all first class.
I can confirm that the sound is a bit different from the OC. It’s slightly warmer but, IMHO, this is due to a better overall balance. The sound has more weight, bass are deeper but tight and controlled. My old OC system was sometimes a little bit too bright and during long listening sessions was fatiguing.I confirm that,to my surprise, that the soundstage is really deep. Stereo image is remarkable. For me it’s definitely a thumbs up :+1:
Ah… there’s no circuit breaker at home tripping off when you power up the 350 due to the clever soft start already seen in the NC 250.


I’m not surprised by that at all. I tried the Fact 12’s with a 300DR and they were very poor in my room. It definitely felt like they needed more power.

I’m intrigued by a couple of your comments, I’ve had 152/155XS, 252/300 and now 552/500 and never found them at all fatiguing or bright. Secondly, I’ve never had a circuit breaker trip on switch on or in operation across those systems.

I’ve not done that but in Martin Colloms’ review in Stereophile he did but in his opinion it wasn’t worth it which may highlight the pre-amps limitations - balance and system synergy do matter.

Maybe it’s my electric network at home. All the times I switched on the Nap 300 there was a breaker tripping. My dealer had the same problem with a Nap 250 dr in his shop.
About fatiguing that I experienced with the previous system I guess that it was due to a non perfect balance between amp and speakers . Probably the Fact 12 needs a more powerful amp than the 300dr. In fact now with the 350 they are stunning.

Naim are happy to demonstrate the NC200/300 series with a NC250 driving Fact 12s at dealers, so I would argue that the 300DR is more than adequate?

Probably it is. But in my room I had the feeling that they needed more power. The Nap 350 solved my ‘problem’ and they drive the Fact 12 effortlessly.

It will really kick around 5-6 weeks :slight_smile:

I’ve now had a settled six-box 300 system for a few days.

For me, the highlights of five boxes with a PS on the 333 were some extra sparkle and a little bit of extra space around the music. The highlights of putting the PS onto the 332 were a fuller, more articulate bass and a bit more structure, weight and authority in the overall presentation. Running two 300s gives all of the above and somehow delivers, in my subjective opinion, more than the sum of the parts.

Some tweaks have taken the sound even further forward, but I’ll write about them somewhere else to avoid going off topic.

Whatever music I throw at my system, the result is sublime. I’ve said before that I have no experience of 500s or Statements, and I can only wonder at what people with that kit must be hearing.


Oh dear … I really didn’t want to read that! :joy:

Sounds amazing, great to hear you’re enjoying it so much :+1:

Edit … just to get my own back … imagine what a further ps on each box would bring :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Write about the tweaks please



I will do. I thought the 2023 Upgrades completed thread would be more appropriate, because they are not specific to the 300 series.

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Much as I don’t like tinkering, there is some more experimentation to come :slightly_smiling_face:.

(in case anyone is wondering, tweaking and tinkering are quite different activities in my vocabulary)

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