The Naim New Classic Range - Part 2

And over and over again……we get that you are a dealer and want to sell. Feel sorry for your OC previous customers🙏🏼


They’ve obviously all been sold lemons :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Yep, total lemons

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I am very glad that my dealer spends most of their time setting up systems and talking to customers
etc rather than spamming us on this forum and other places with multiple posts. Sometimes less is more and this is definitely one of them.


More likely Limes as they are greener :wink: :smiley:

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My guess as to why its now possible to get good results when the power supply is in the same case as the preamp is that it is the natural next step in a trend that started several years ago with the introduction separate phono preamps. In particular, a moving coil cartridge generates a very small signal that requires very high levels of amplification. So a lot of MC phono preamp design centers on controlling noise and interference, which requires very careful layout, specific noise cancelling circuit design and, optimally, a very well shielded power supply. So if a preamp has a built in MC phono stage it makes sense to put the phono stage and the power supply in separate boxes. or, second best, to have the power supply inside the power amp box which can be physically separated. There is more to it than that but that is how I would guess we got here.

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I would personally be wary of using a dealer who shouts about a brand, but the naim link on their homepage is broken and where the search for “naim” returns zero documents.

Were I intending to put custom their way, this would instantly have driven me elsewhere, or I’d have missed out on what they have to offer. Pity, because a 222 and 250NC for £3649 each is temptingly close as an office system!

The dealer may have a huge amount of experience with the brand, but nowadays web presence is a differentiator.

I took it as satire but the humor I find is in the straw man in the retort. These silly myths get so confusing.

It seems like Naim screwed their OC clients by designing better products. They’ve been known to do that over the years.

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a question i have asked you many times mate, i still dont have an answer so if you could explain?

q1. 332 on its own is better than 252 supercap dr but worse than 552dr, 332 with NPX300 is better than supercap dr but worse than 552dr. are we saying that with the 332 the psu doesnt make much of a difference?

q2. NC250 is better than nap300 dr but worse than 500dr, NC350 monos are better than 300dr but worse than 500dr, are we saying the 350s are terrible value, just buy the NC250?

a nice simple yes or no would be brilliant

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We prefer to drink lemonade anyhow. Who’s eating oranges these days?!

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In case you missed it, my riposte was tongue in cheek too.

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Double the sarcasm for double the fun.

I am very confused by the purpose of this thread. Does it matter about which component/system sounds best? If people can afford the 500 series or statement the go for it. There will be a requirement to ‘super’ set up but you would expect that of a high performance sports car wouldn’t you?

The 300 series offers a superb sound but is also expensive. Again, if you can afford it - consider it.

There is also the OC series with favourable new prices where available or great pre loved prices.

There are the Atoms and Novas which offer superb performance per £/€ - again, buy it if this floats your boat.

There are no rights or wrongs and who gives a s*** if someone else has better gear?

Play your music and enjoy your system. If you need to upgrade to address a shortcoming then seek a good dealer and make a decision based on your home demo. If you are in a country where this is not an option then obviously you need to buy blind. Don’t trust the opinions on these forums no matter how well intentioned - trust your ears!


They have certainly simplified the old classic range and arguably brought it more in line with modern expectations. Presumably they’ve done this to keep the brand alive. Whether the products are better or not I can’t comment on.

Naim however don’t seem to be claiming the levels of performance yourself and @Musicraft are repeatedly pushing at every opportunity. From what I’ve seen, and I’m happy to be corrected, Naim are saying that they are equivalent to the OC equipment that sat at a similar price point. That has certainly been reiterated by my regular dealer who has also said he’s had much demo interest but very few sales of the NC kit.


Well all might be for you but I’ll be making up my own mind thank you very much :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

The shame is……in the UK alone there are 100 plus dealers, let alone worldwide…….if they all came on this thread it would be just stupid. What will trigger a reaction 2, 3, 4……40 dealers selling their Naim stuff?

Gazza, no dealers are allowed to come on the forum and sell stuff or directly solicit for sales - if they tried to do so then it would dealt with swiftly and firmly. However, they are welcome to come on here and talk about Naim kit, and give their opinion. Of course, not many do so, which is a bit of a shame really. although perhaps on this evidence they may think twice before doing so in the future…


I’m not sure what you mean, I haven’t made any comments inconsistent with Naim or the US dealers I’ve worked with or spoken with as well as with other owners who’ve bought the equipment. And I’ve read of experiences here that are inconsistent with my own but they’ve been a minority of comments so far that I’ve seen. I won’t speak on behalf of MC but at least their comments reflect their actual experience with the equipment and not hearsay like many of the criticisms I’ve read of the NC gear.

Its all quite simple really. The NC250 is way better than the 250DR and is right at the heels of the 300DR and is more of a speaker match. The 222 is way better than the 272. The NPX300 is better than the XPS DR. The 350 smashes the 300DR. The 332 is close to a 282/SuperCap . The 332/NPX is closer to a 552 than most will admit. The 500DR is just magic which is why it fits so good with the Statement Preamp.

Can’t comment on the 333


There was discussion earlier of test records.

I have somewhere an ancient test CD, sold or given away at least twenty years ago by HFN&RR, which contains various test tones, musical extracts (such as The Arrival of the Queen of Sheba) from the Nimbus record catalogue, etc.

One stand-out track was a man going inside a metal up-and-over garage door, then - completely out of the blue - banging his fist on the inside of the closed door. It was so loud, and unexpected, that I nearly shat myself the first time that I heard it!