The Naim New Classic Range - Part 2

i think they changed the naim signature sound for @ElMarko

lol only joking.

i do think stuff has changed to make things easy for the consumer, first time ever naim has put a psu in a pre. not heard any of the new classic people talk about massaging a burndy or anything. i think the new stuff just works


The stuff changed b/c Naim wants to improve their SQ and update their products. Same as always. None of my burndies have ever needed massaging.

yea thats what i meant mate, i think they have made the new classic to just work, plonk it down and off it goes which does make sense

youve never massaged a burndy…your missing out!ha

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Yes Naim employees can no longer face each other in the factory and say “this is the way” (as I presume they did before).

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i sort of like the mandalorian way of thinking though…

says the lunatic who put another 555ps on my nds last week! sounds brilliant btw


Yes that is a way forward still being able to live by the code😅.


This is the way!lol


When speaking to a dealer he said the new classics are more neutral and maybe designed that way so they work with other manufacturers products. And the connections are meant to more versatile with other non Naim products.


These forum threads nowadays seem to be full of all manner of insecurities and strong preferences for NC vs OC and vice versa, the comfortable (for many) and clearer upgrade path (and status?) might seem shaken (and stirred!) but I salute Naim for the disruption and being brave to go back to their roots and keep moving forward at the same time. This has created some remarkable new line excitement, helped return many to the brand and created the opportunities for some unbelievable value for money bargains still sounding as high end as ever.


Wow, that’s the opposite of my experience, complex music handled with brilliance. Must be a system, speaker, room and preference thing.



Did Naim do this because they developed a way of including a ps inside a pre without compromise? Or was the reason more marketing to help customers build a system over time? I hope both are true. It’s certainly new ground for Naim Nacs!

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From my reading of Steve 110dB’s comments on NC threads parts 1 and 2, I think it is both. Having heard the 222, 332 and 333 with and without an external power supply I think this approach has worked well. The 222 is good without the NPX300, with it, much better SQ in all ways.


I think it’s the 332 only that breaks new ground Paul. No argument from me that Naim power supplies are good upgrades. It’s more the design philosophy change of having a transformer in a NAC. I assume the internal shielding has made this possible?

i very much doubt it mate, 500 series needs external psu’s and so does statement in the arrangement. i suspect when the new 500 comes out over the next 5 years it will be external psu’s

makes me wonder if they had updated classic series with direct replacements, white logos and the same casework what would have happened…i suspect all the old customers would be falling over themselfs to buy the new hicap, supercap, xps etc. with that being said they wouldnt gain the new “what do you mean i have to massage a burndy/cable dressing” customers

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its the same sort of path as a CDX2 etc with the psu but with a new pre amplifier design…so sounds different

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All of the NC components are breaking new ground. Steve goes into design details in the NC threads. And the belief that you can’t improve SQ while including a PS in the box is based on folklore and not reality.

It could be that the new power supply design is so much quieter as well.

However, adding the NPX300 is an incredible uplift.

In my time I’ve added the XPSDR to the 272 and NDX2 plus the SuoercspDR to the 282 and they have added a nice uplift but nothing like the NPX300 adds to the 332

That old myth about separating the power supply improving SQ again.

Can people stop spreading these rumours.


Dear Naim, please discontinue the NPX 300, NVC TT, and 555PS, and re-design the NAC 552 and NAP 500 as single-box amps to avoid spreading this rumour. Thank you.

Edit: Before I posted this riposte, perhaps I should have checked out the public profile of @AJK. From the system listed there, I get the impression that the post might be satire.


Like I’ve said even under its own steam I’ve found the NAC 332 superior to the already excellent NAC 252/SCAP DR in terms of having a soundstage that can extend well beyond the plain of loudspeakers, NAC 332 also creates a near perfect arc field behind loudspeakers coupled with having greater drive and speed makes the system much more engaging to listen to.

Just as the single chassis New Classic NAP 250 is superior to the NAP 300 DR, the single chassis NAC 332 is better, stronger and faster than the NAC 252 .