The Naim New Classic Range - Part 2

Thank you, yes realised that in the end! … RTFM :slightly_smiling_face:

Another question :slightly_smiling_face:

The screen, is there a way to keep it displaying the current track? Seems to show it briefly and then go to the album cover only.


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Please keep us posted on the nDac vs 333!


Will do, trying not to make any judgments yet as the 333 had been powered off completely for 24 hours. Tomorrow will be interesting :slightly_smiling_face:

Nope unfortunately

Got my second NPX300 today and connected to NSS333 so now both streamer and preamp have a PSU.

Once connected and even though the brand new PSU was very cold to the touch, the SQ improvement was immediately apparent. The main difference seems to be an increase in clarity. I thought the bass was good before it is now even more tuneful. Voices seem to be better separated and nuanced.

In fact, I would say that ‘more nuanced’ may be the best way of describing the change. An example is the bass on the track ‘Bye bye blackbird’ by Van Morrison on his ‘Versatile’ album. The double bass starts and sounds deeper than I recall from 2 days ago. The timbre of the trombone sounds realistic to me as does what I think is a flute.

The piano and guitar parts are very well delineated and can be followed easily. A great sounding CD rip!

Van’s voice can sometimes sound a bit shouty on some recordings but the addition of the NPX300 gives more insight to the inflections within his voice. Very pleased with the upgrade so far!


Thanks, I thought that might be the case :confused: I went through every setting on the app and the box itself and didn’t see anything. I don’t really understand it, that’s the useful info, especially when listening to unfamiliar albums, and they’ve implemented it, all it would take is an extra option in the display setting. When I pressed play for the first time my reaction was “Oh that’s nice” … for about 3 seconds :roll_eyes:

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I know, it’s very poor and could easily be addressed, it’s only been like that for about 6 years! It would take a firmware update but they’re few and far between these days, i’m surprised it was not addressed with the launch of the 333.

Well, you have that info in the Naim app, so I suppose they felt no need to duplicate.

Yes I did a search this morning and found a topic saying similar things about the NDX2 display in 2020. You’d think they’d take the opportunity to improve it for the New Classic range. You can show the track info from the button on the remote but it times out, just make that a toggle and let people decide what they want to display when they want :man_shrugging:

I was expecting the display to turn off completely after a period of nothing being played but came down this morning and the last album I played last night was still being displayed … when the system is not being used I would much prefer the display to be off. I turned it to an unused input to make it less intrusive. Am I missing something?

It’s very different, or we thought so at demo anyway.

Since you already have 332 I’d expect you to find the 333 sound is “tuned” optimally for an 3 series stack, and it will sound great.

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Exactly, including off completely

You can turn it off completely in the app - other settings/display

That’s true and it’s what I’ve been used to for years, the thing is they have implemented it, it’s there, would be nice to just lock the phone and use that, it’s very readable from where I sit.

Interested to hear your experience with the NPX - my 333/332/350 is still only days old so don’t intend to do any further upgrade yet. What speaker cable are you using? I only have NAC A5 running to B&W 804 Diamonds and wonder if the (crazy?) price of Super Lumina is worthwhile?

Either that or play DSOTM every night before I go to bed :crazy_face:

Yes initial impressions are that it’s very different indeed, more later when I’ve listened longer … but it does sound very good, some speaker repositioning is looking likely, it feels less ‘weighty’ than the nDAC in the low range, we’ll see ….


Yes that’s the same as NDX2/555 vs nDAC/555.

The NDX2 put more focus on midrange/treble in the sound signature and the 333 continues that tuning.

The nDAC has always been described as “darker”.

We found the 333 very good, but the cost of box + PSU opens up all sorts of cutting edge streamer and DAC options were we to move on from nDAC.


Yes definitely a bit more in the midrange, but it feels a little less in the treble range too, very early days though.

Over the past few weeks I’ve felt that maybe I need to move the speakers out a bit further (difficult in our room) as it was maybe a bit too bass heavy with some tracks. With the 333 I think I need to move them back a bit.

The synergy part you mentioned in your previous post was part of the reason for demoing, that and what it’s like to live with, something you can’t really tell in a dealer demo.

I’ve a few days to make a decision! :grimacing:


I had a lengthy audition of the 333/332/350 without NPX300s and was bowled over by how great they sounded. Although I did buy one NXP300 when I bought the 333/332/350s, I did not power it up for over a week. The system sounded fantastic and even better with the NPX300. 3 months later (yesterday) I added the second NPX300 - a great improvement.

I always knew there was a chance of me maxing out the 300 series so I ensured I would be in a position to buy the 2nd NPX once I had allowed myself 3 months for acclimatisation with the new system.

The 4 box 300 sounds fantastic and one or two NPXs will certainly improve things but the retail price for two is £11,400 (mine were brand new and unopened but I didn’t pay anything like that!) so only you can decide if you wish to spend. Bearing in mind £11,400 is more than what many people spend on a whole system including speakers.

My speaker cable is chord epic which I bought with my NDX2/SN3/Kudos 606 system. It was a dealer recommendation with an option to return if not satisfied. I have no intention of ever going down the speaker cable rabbit hole! I also have a chord epic RCA interconnect from Oppo 105 to 332 - again, I will never consider swapping.

If I ever want to compare interconnect, RCA, speaker or internet cables then I hope someone will take me out and shoot me!

Personally I would never consider very expensive cables especially the Super-lumina. Yes they make a difference to the sound but personally, if I want a different sound I would change my speakers. That is hypothetical of course as I have no intention of changing my speakers.

It goes without saying that these are my personal views and many will disagree with each point.

Whatever you choose, you will have a great system due to the excellent 333/332/350 base!

Good luck.

I had no intention of ever buying Superlumina speaker cable….but I’ve just tried it and all that has changed !