The Naim New Classic Range - Part 2

Can’t you cut out the the right half and give me the Naim Streaming Transport (NST) I’ve been waiting for my nDAC? Please??!! :innocent:


Great comment - pass me the hacksaw…

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And can we get it in the Nait 50 casing? (Provided the screen fits)


I’ve had a brief listen to the NSC222, NPX300, and NC NAP250 when I was last down in Salisbury last year.

My takeaway impression (which I briefly mentioned early on in part 1 of this thread) was that there was a definite “Statement flavour” to the sound, especially once the NPX300 was introduced, which is of course no bad thing, and not entirely unsurprising really. Great stuff!


Jason is just a delight. Best sales manner I’ve ever seen and I’ve seen quite a few! That very special combination of extreme knowledge of and passion for his product together with a charming understated and kind manner which puts his audience completely at ease. Naim are very very lucky to have him and I told the former MD as much when Jason so kindly gave up some of his valuable time to set up and check over my SL2s a few years ago.


I was wondering how the new classic series makes will hold up during its lifetime, I had a full old 200 classic series 10 year back and now the SN3 and NDX2, the case stayed warm and now as the middle portion is made of Perspex, how it will hold say after a few years, afraid the gloss finish would turn Matt or even there would be finish problem overtime, I’m sure naim had already thought of this but would appreciate if @Richard.Dane or @110dB would share the feedback.


I can just feel the value of my NDX and ND5XS going up as they share the same DAC as the new classics. :wink:


A question more for Steve @110dB I think.

Probably why the companies are still trading (which comment is not to diss engineers).

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Excellent - thanks for posting. Referencing the NAIT 50th, I liked Jason’s term “it’s twenty five Salisbury watts” !


Absolutely, Jason is lovely. He came to my house once to install new bass drivers in my SBLs and then set them up for me. It was all way above and beyond, and I was so grateful. Despite the various changes at Naim in recent years, they still have some absolutely top notch people.


@110dB Is this something you can comment on? 100pF makes a lot more sense looking at currently available MM/MI carts.


They haven’t woken up for 3 years. :rofl:


Steve’s busy today but will hopefully be able to come back on here at some point after the weekend - maybe Tuesday or wednesday.


Question probably for @110dB (but others are free to dive in), regarding the architecture of the NC NAP350 - and is power rating.

Back in CB/Olive days, the 250 & 135 were based on the same architecture, with the 135’s being a monoblock version of the 250, with added fan cooling. Their ratings were -

NAP250 - 70W into 8 ohms, 125W into 4 ohms
NAP135 - 75W into 8 ohms, 135W into 4 ohms

[The NAP ‘number’ was, I believe, derived from the 4 ohm rating. 125W x 2 = 250W.]

Since then the 250 has grown in power, but has not been renumbered. Its present rating is -

NC NAP250 - 100W into 8 ohms, 190W into 4 ohms.

If the NAP numbering had been maintained, it would now be a ‘NAP380’.

So… how about the NC NAP350…? Is it just a monoblock version of the NC NAP250…? Or does it have more changes…?

[As an aside, I believe the NAP500 is a bridged amp based, on the 250/135 architecture.]

Thanks. @110dB There is absolutely no rush on my part. I’m unlikely to buy any of the new kit (although the Nait 50 is seriously tempting) anytime soon*. I’m mostly curious at this point.

* A half width streaming transport might change that :slight_smile:


“….552 into 350…”

La la la la, fingers in ears, I’m not listening.



Yes, yes, yes please…

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Ha ha, yes, I shouldn’t have watched that too :sunglasses:


Sorry for the inconvenience :smile:

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