The Naim New Classic Range - Part 2

I don’t think anyone has reported on doing that yet. 555 on mine with both cables. It will be interesting to hear what you think.

Anyone compared a 552 to the new 332 yet?

Hi Wilfried
Just installed the Gaia II. My feeling was, like you, that the III’s could be at or near their limit…I’d not been able to weigh the 805’s (plus filled stands) when I bought the III, so it was a bit of a guesstimate.

Very first impressions: the Gaia II’s have brought a clearer, more delineated seperation between voices, instruments etc. Only played a couple of records but so far, everything sounds more…more. Very happy I made the change.

Edit\ Bit later: O yeah… this is good. I’m liking the II effect. Soundstage is more alive, bass is as deep but cleaner.


Hi Steviebee,

Thanks for sharing your experience. I am in similar situation having standmount speakers and in my estimate I have 33kg on Gaia IIIs which has 32kg performance limit.

Always wondered if it would be worth it change to Gaia II instead to come within weight sweet spot? And it seems based on your observations the answer is YES!


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Hi @GeoffC i know that 332/350 is definitely the best one but how did it work the 332/250? I m considering it the entry level for the 332, someone considered it disappointing I think that it will be limited by the 250 which is an amazing amp if you don’t consider the 350 but I appreciate your impressions.
Thanks a lot

Hope they work for you like they do on my 805s.

Several albums in now, and I’m impressed.

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As previously suggested, if members wish to discuss other things such as spikes etc… probably best start a new thread rather than divert this existing one which is about the Naim New Classic range. Thanks.


Sorry Richard and NC participants…
You’re dead right of course.


Hi @piebia

I was very happy using the NAC 332 with my NAP 250 DR - a much better preamplifier than I had previously (Supernait2 + HiCapDR) - loads more information and soundstage. Limited is not a description I would use for the combination.

The 332 is end game for me, and with the built-in power supply it did an excellent job with the Classic 250DR (for about 4 months). Yes, it’s better with the either the NPX 300 and / or the New Classic 250 power amp (I did the demo) but those can be added later if desired.


With the 250nc were you really far from the 350?

Hi @piebia

You need to do the demonstration yourself to judge the difference, and decide.

For me, it was very clear that the extra power of the 350’s got the best out of the source, preamplifier and loudspeakers - even without the additional power supply for the 332.

My other consideration was what the total spend would eventually be if adding one box at a time. A NPX 300 power supply and a New Classic 250 amplifier were both £5,700 = £11,400. With a pair of 350’s at £12,000, therefore hundreds more, not thousands, in the longterm they were also the better financial option.


That was exactly my logic…having auditioned both NC 200 & 300 I wouldn’t have done the 222 without the NPX so went for the 350s. Problem was I then also went for 333 & 332 instead of the 222 so an expensive day out :joy: but really happy with the outcome


I went down a similar route to Geoff and jbuck although I have ended up with 332/333/350 system with one NPX300. You do really need to have a listen to the various combinations because the addition of the NP300 or the 350s each produce an improvement but, in my opinion, the character of that improvement is different and you may prefer one over another. It is possible that my final decision was dependent on the particular speakers that I own and like.


And your speakers are? I don’t see them in your profile.

ATC SCM40 passives. Thanks for the reminder to fill out my profile.

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Lovely system, but out of reach for me unfortunately! I bet it sounds amazing :wink:.

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I understand @philiprst but together with financials I have a big constraint in box count this is why I was thinking about 332/250. It seems that someone was not convinced about this combination and I was trying to understand what is the impression of whom auditioned it. To be more clear I m sure that the 350 is a better amp but I want to understand if with the 250 it is already a good system

I @GeoffC this is mainly my previous answer

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Did the ATC 40 Fixited the sound quality upgrade vs the Avalon Avatar ?

Have you got the NPX300 power supply on the 333 or 332?

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