The Naim New Classic Range - Part 2

Thanks for the question. My Avatars were over 20 years old and I believe they may have been among the first that Avalon made. I paid less than $2500 for a brand new pair. They needed repair after such long term use and that was a very expensive proposition. I am not sure they were a particularly good match for Naim electronics. They did have fantastic imaging and detail and were really good for small scale jazz and classical. For larger scale works and rock music they didn’t work as well for me. For my musical taste (which is pretty diverse) I felt that the ATCs were a better option and cost a lot less than what the Avalons are selling for today.


I auditioned the 250 with 333/332 and couldn’t work out why I wasn’t impressed - in fact I was very disappointed. I then listened to 333/332/350s and it became immediately apparent. The 350s took total control and were able to focus the sound and make sense of the wealth of information being fed from the 333/332.

My conclusion was that the 250 was overwhelmed by the 333/332 but the 350s were totally capable. In my mind the 350s are the minimum for the 333/332. I bought the 333/332/350s and then added 2 x NPX300 at a later date.


What was the speaker? @Bjm

Or maybe the speakers you were listening to needed the 350s more?

I had a demo of the 333/332/250 and thought it much improved on the 222/300/250, both into Spendor D7.2 speakers. However, I deliberately did NOT listen to the 350s as the 333/332/250 was already too much of a reach for me really!


The speakers were the Kudos Titan 606 - the same as I have at home. My profile shows all details.

Very nice, but again, unfortunately, out of reach of my pocket book. I’m very envious though :grinning:.

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Thank you but don’t forget, this is just my system - your system may give you just as much enjoyment. The 222 and 250 are apparently a great combination with great synergy.

Phew thought it was just me. I also tried the 333/332/250 combination (with a 300 feeding the 333) into Kudos S20A and thought I preferred my 222/300/250. As ever in this hobby everyone hears things differently.


Thanks for the question. Honestly, I have not have enough time with the system to really analyze the difference between connecting the NPX300 to the 333 or to the 332. Since I have a CD transport and turntable it may make most sense to connect the PS to the preamp. We will see.


They certainly are! After a week with them I am very happy, the 250 drives my Sf Olympica Nova 2’s far better than the SN3, and I am not missing the NDX2. It maybe that the SN3 was limiting the NDX2 but I do not have space to hook it up to the 222 to test this. I will make space to drive the 222 with my XPS DR in a month or so. I already have the special Burndy :smiley:
I remember clear improvements when I added the HiCapDR to the SN3, and again when I got the XPS for the NDX2.


Hi guys… due to space constraint , if i am to stack PS below the pre, will it compromise performance/ sound quality or any other “discounted” effects that I should be aware of ? Thanks …

Certainly with the old classic range stacking the head unit on top of the power supply would appreciably lower performance. IIRC there was at least one member here who didn’t particularly think much of the NAC552 but had it stacked on top of the PS and so the results were unsurprising…


@Richard.Dane … hi Richard , so I suppose the same goes to the stacking of 332 and 300 … thanks for the reply

I would guess so, but personally I haven’t tried it with the NC kit, so would reserve judgement until then. Possibly worth you mailing Naim support for someone like Jason Gould’s view here, or ask your dealer.

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@Richard.Dane yup… shall do so and try out when doing a demo w the dealer … Thanks again!!!

Found this on you tube.


Hi Peppo62 , thanks for the video !!

You’re welcome :smiling_face:

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I thought that I’d add my comments on my new NAC 332 / NPX 300.

Its had about 7 days of 24/7 playing and 2 weeks all up powered on.

I had a lovely long listening session last night. It has really opened up nicely now.

A preamp should really “tie” a system together, the “glue” that binds if you will.

I had a Chord Ultima Pre 3 that although a lovely pre. didn’t really seem quite right in my system.

A bit “too much” of a good thing sometimes, just a bit in my face on some music. That grew tiring after a while.

The NAIM combo addresses that !!

It has all the resolution, PRaT, and an even bigger soundstage than the Chord had.

But with just a touch less aggressive nature. That was the missing part that I needed.

Last night I’m not sure if the 332/300 burn in has settled right down or what, but I was mesmerised on what I was hearing.

The PR&T, musicality, engagement was something to beheld.

That and the hifi technical traits that NAIM usually doesn’t do as well as similar priced gear, well in my previous experience with a NDS/555DR/252/SC2DR/300DR anyway.

It had soundstage depth and width that is amazingly good. The resolution seemed to be better than from brand new as well.

I can’t comment on the 300 power amps or NS333 as I’ve not heard them.

The XLR outlets are a god send for users who only have a NAIM premap. for example, they now plug ‘n play into my ATC actives.

Sure it’s an expensive preamp, but for me and my needs it’s a clear winner. It’s truly world class.

Because I’ve either had at home on demo or had a dealer demo of similar priced Octave Audio, Pass Labs, Accuphase and T+A preamps over the last 6m and the NAC 332/ NPX 300 combo has seen them all off.

One happy customer (except for another technical issue thread).

Can’t be a true NAIM product without something to complain about now can we ?



I guess you mean the new classic NAP350 monoblocs.

(Not the NAP 300DR).