The Naim New Classic Range - Part 2

Maturing for over a year now, only upgraded the XLRs and mains cables. (photo from the nap position)


Yes, agree listening to your system is key. What suits one may not suit another, especially when room, music genre, listening volume and the like are taken into consideration.
For me I liked the look and sound of my Titans using NC components (222, 300, 250). Going active with the single Linn box gave me (YMMV) a presentation that just seemed to click. The Naim was not bad just felt the Linn active system was better, and no Iā€™m not going to try/demo the Naim boxes with ATC or PMC actives. The ATC are physically too large for room aesthetics, PMC in the .23 active variant may work but I found them to be too bright for me in passive version. Mrs O likes what we have at the moment, so do I, so here weā€™ll stay. At least until I just happen to drop in for a chat/coffee with my dealerā€¦ā€¦.

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The twenty.5 23 was a touch bright, but the ā€˜iā€™ series sorted that out. Going active with them is a whole different ball game in terms of grip and driver integration. And thatā€™s coming off the back of a 300DR.

At Ā£1795 the Active Upgrade Kit is a steal.



Hi @GraemeH
Thanks for the additional info. What you say does sorta make me want to go listen to them, and I know my dealer could facilitate that for me. Suspect Mrs O wouldnā€™t be overly happy if I said I was looking to change speakers again having only had the Kudos for 9 months or so. Good job we both really like the current sound presentation and also the look (more important for Mrs O).
Perhaps a dealer supplied coffee would be good, just to see how he is getting on and maybe just listen to something Iā€™ve not heard - educational reasons only. :grinning: :grinning: