The Naim New Classic range - Part 1

@Paul52135 There is no Statement DAC. I have a 250-2 and a 200/stageline. I should have more cash around April, and will audition and compare the 222 with a comparison with my DSD DAC decoding DSD128, see if the Naim solution is worth the spend. I am more interested in the phono stage too.

That is good to hear! :slightly_smiling_face:

I was more meaning if there is a new design replacement for the existing DR Supercap - will that be usable with my BMR SNAXO?

I see the new supplies use more ground runs than previous supplies and obviously have a different way to power items. From what I heard with the 300 PSU I was wondering if a new PS will supercede the Supercap and fit my system.


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Yes, been using them since the mid-80s. I have known John before he started working there (when it was Jefferies) and he has been fettling my LP12 since around 1990. Personally, I think he sets up an LP12 as well as anyone does.


Understood. Thanks for your time @110dB. This is all very interesting indeed.

The cable goes directly from 222 to 250DR, no signal is sent to NPX300. I think it costs about £260.

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It will depended upon the product, but generalising…a lot happens in the first few days. I’d say about a month if general listening in the evening and leaving on. Speakers and cables take longer, the run-in time is the playing time only; the louder the better :wink:

After a 3 months you’re there.

The only run-in new classic products are in the demo rooms at Naim and a select few homes. Dealer demo kit is half way there.

As you’d imagine run-in is a pain when designing products. To accelerate run-in in R&D we have a box that turns the product on, play loud, off, on, play loud, off and repeat.


Sorry, the new NPX 300 PSU will not power a SNAXO. The SNAXOs will have to continue using their current PSUs.

SNAXO uses multiple 24V PSUs, these are not in the NPX 300.

Hope that helps

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I did offer to start running in their 222 and 300 over the weekend using my active scm40s but John did not seem too keen😉


Yeah, I’ve seen several of those, but I really like the idea of the 222 giving me an upgrade on preamp and built-in streamer.
The addition of the new 250, designed to work with/complement the 222, is a real pathway to follow🙂


Thanks - that was it.
The only connection in my system which is still ‘pre-Starement pre-superlumina’ is the Burndy lead to the SNAXO, so was wondering if an alternative was appearing ahead in the new range of products - but if not what I have now works fine! :bear:


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Good to hear. Has anyone tried using new 250s with a Snaxo at headquarters? No instability issues with the custom leads?


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HI @marksnaim,

To my knowledge no we haven’t.

I don’t anticipate any additional complex load on the SNAXO output buffers.
The legacy lead will ground the ‘cold input’ of the new 250 and the ‘hot’ input Z is similar.




The 252 board is split to an extent but on the same level. There is a big similarity superficially to the 282. The 52 has two completely separate boards stacked. I can’t help feeling that there are some historical compromises in the architecture of the 252 that could be addressed in the new series.


Yes, I meant with the 222 although I understand the appeal of sticking with the all new classic.


If it’s typical Naim, they take 3-4 weeks than have another nice uplift 5-6 months later.

My 252 that was serviced/recapped/newalps in June of this year sounded great after 4 weeks than blossomed a few weeks ago.

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Yeah, the 252 seemed to miss the mark in the range. In retrospect I should’ve went with the 52/SC from 72/HC instead of jumping to the black boxes first.

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You’re kidding of course :flushed:

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Not at all. It sounds like it’s a much better amp with the DR ps and amp.