The Naim New Classic range - Part 1

Yes, I have seen some reviews (posted here also), despite the new series having just come out. But most importantly, I was able to test them directly, having both systems (new and old series) here. I have not compared them directly with the NAP 300 DR, so I cannot say whether the NAP 250 NC is better or worse, other said yes. I would not describe what someone on the forum wrote about the new series as non-concrete description. We can say that they are subjective feelings, like mine, and like all reviews. Speculations? Yes, but you will never find an objective comparison because each of us hears with our own ears.

I wouldn’t call it hype. If there are people who are more than happy with the new series, I would say that Naim has done an excellent job. Who would say it’s a great product if it isn’t? We’re not competing for a review award here. I’m not convinced there is Naim fundamentalism, especially on products of this cost.

Yes, the new series uses a redesigned circuit with some new technology and components derived from the Statement, as Naim has stated on this forum. But most importantly, I don’t understand how you can complain about the lack of serious and concrete comparisons with many hours of listening or say that it’s a compromise for an audience that is not familiar with Naim products when you were listening to the new series for only a few minutes? I respect your comments, but allow me to say that what you are contesting is exactly how you are approaching on this topic.

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Yes, you’re spot on.

To remove the NPX 300: Unplug the two Burndys from the NSC 222, add the link plugs and put the mains plug back in the NSC 222.

…The NSC 222 and NPX 300 don’t need an optical cable to synchronise, they have a coms bus in the larger digital PSU Burndy.


Mogami has different cables, which one did you try?

The 2534 quad with Neutrik gold

I use 2549 Neglex, like it a lot

Different speakers for different tastes. I have experience with many Paradigm speakers, ATC SCM-19, Sonus faber Venere 2.0, Totem Tribe Towers, etc.
My current Harbeth C7es3-XD are the best of the bunch to my ears. I do not find them lacking in speed and dynamics either. If I get picky with them, they do not have subwoofer like bass, but in my smallish room, they pack a punch nonetheless. Sorry for going off topic.


You still live near Trollhättan Slamdam, right? Hifipunkten has Oden set up in its store, I suspect. Then you are always welcome to take a trip to Borås if you want :slightly_smiling_face:

Never lived in those areas :slight_smile: The founder Bo Hansson started out building what would become Rauna in the early 80’s in Karlskoga which is close to where I live but he left the company mid 80’s to start building speakers under the record company name Opus3. In 2011 when Bo died Hifi Punkten bought the molds and started production again.

Okay! I had imagined that you lived outside Trollhättan! Sorry :smile:

My last Naim gear was a 72/140/Hicap, sold nearly 25 years ago. I loved the sound for 95% of my music, but my lounge couldn’t cope with many U2, Buddy Holly double-bass or similar tracks. In fact my Lounge didn’t like Linn or anything else! until room correction in TAG McLaren gear solved the boomy bass room peaks.

Now retired, and able for the first time, to have a separate music room upstairs in former kids bedroom, I’ve been pondering returning to Naim, and so travelled 65 miles to a friendly dealer who I have bought headphone and DAC gear from, to hear this latest range at their demo day. Naim put on 3 separate sittings, and the audience were able to choose tracks which was a pleasant surprise in such packed rooms. Rounded off my some nice coffee and snacks.

Obviously NPX300 added depth and opened up the sound (I had been hoping difference was fairly negligible with hearing problems I’ve recently suffered!) so as the cost would be in reach, but not the case. Still very nice presentation with 2 boxes though.

Of course, while demo was great at hearing this range which is certainly more neutral (good or bad) from my old gear, playing through £30K plus speakers makes judgement difficult. But the lovely dealer is lending me a NC 222/250 over next weekend so I can try in my much smaller room and with my PMC GBi’s.

Hoping to rejoin the Naim owners club, let’s see!


Couple of questions before arrival of units, online manual says NAP 250 ‘comes with dedicated Naim Audio loudspeaker connectors’. I take it we are talking standard banana plugs? (Remember once eagerly getting a Tag Power Amp home then finding I needed to get speaker cables re-wired as it only accepted silly Euro connectors!)

I am still using Naim speaker cables bought 1992, manual recommends NAC A5, any long term Naim owners know what my wires will be?

Just wondering if my listening room (converted bedroom) justifies such quality components? As shown in photo, layout is in sideways/landscape position and chairs to speakers only about 6-7 feet away.

Any other owners using in smallish room or close listening distance?


I’m also waiting for my boxes.
IIRC the speaker plugs are the special Naim twin pin units. But no worry, plenty of people use standard banana connectors. Just be careful to ensure correct connection but that is the same for any amplifier.


Does your old cable look anything like that in the image. It may be black in colour. If it does it may be that your old Naim speaker cable is NACA4, I’m not sure when NACA5 was introduced. They will work just fine as will many of the more standard cables. The new amp is pretty resilient to speaker cable length whereas the older units liked 3.5 m as a min.
I’m sure other more experienced users can fill in with more detail, especially about room sizes. I hope that you really enjoy listening to the new amp.

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Agreed - when I heard the XD, they are faster and clearer than my non-XD. I also believe the weakness of these is only due to lack of bass extension. I must attempt to properly integrate a sub, but this requires crossovers and delay to do properly, which then introduces other issues… I guess ultimately, I’d have to move to Monitor 40 series, but the price is, honestly, absurd…


Likewise I enjoyed my finance career. Big firm audit training, two years working in Toronto before then transferring to finance in the beer industry doing various different roles ending up working on M&A deals. There was always something new and different going on to keep me interested and challenged. Quite happy to now be retired though!


Re: does your room justify…?

Yes, very likely.

I’ve run big Meridian DSP6000 and full surround setup in an average UK sized bedroom. As with most of the gear I’ve owned in the last 35 years of this hobby. Sounded sublime. Just set it up OK and get the speaker/seating placement right and it’ll be gold, assuming it’s not a ‘square’ room…

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Thanks James, yes it’s rectangular, 2nd bedroom size with built in wardrobe one end and windows the other, that’s why speakers are placed 9 inches out from longer wall and seating opposite. Sounds ok currently with a NAD M10 all-in-one or Hugo/Tag McLaren Pre/60 Power feeding PMCs but wanting that Naim ‘chug’ sound back that I’ve missed for 25 years😀

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Yes, white, fairly stiff and 3 metres long, curled up behind a carpet. Just about make out the Naim Audio logo and direction arrow. Thanks for reassurance of banana’s! When your boxes due to arrive?

Glad to help.
Boxes are with dealer, just sorting out date when both he and I can be in my house together to go through setup/delivery. Like you I’m using PMC speakers (Twenty5.23). If you read through the forum you will find recommendations for many speaker cables. Previously I used NACA5 but it was very stiff, sound was good though. I then tried Witchhat Phanton, to me, just as good and has the advantage of being much more flexible and not too expensive. Another cable regularly recommended is the Kudos KS1, personally I’ve not tried that so can’t comment on it. A search of the forum will give you lots to read and hopefully not confuse. :joy::joy:

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Can’t cope with another forum thread yet, just spent 10 days reading these 5000 posts :grinning::grinning:!


It was a nice bonus being told by Hifi Lounge that PMC are a great match for Naim gear. My Naim amps were sold long before I was seduced by PMC at a London Hifi show some years ago and were part of my Lounge AV system. It’s only recently I’ve moved them upstairs into the ‘Music Room’!

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