The Naim and Harbeth thread

I have been using a Naim Nova (80 watts per channel) to power Harbeth HDL5 plus HD speakers. I like the Harbeths a lot for a variety of music: jazz, chamber, Americana and the like. I have adequate power for everything except perhaps large orchestral pieces with strong dynamic shifts.

I also tried Hegel amplification which worked well, so I do not agree that Naim is a special match. People have Harbehts successfully with many different amps.


I haven’t heard the XD range, what sonic qualities does the new range bring? I’m using a lowly base p3esr. On a side note, I read on the Harbeth forum that Alan Shaw hired a marketing specialist about 3 years ago to reassess the entire line and it was implied the RRP was undervalued and…here we are

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First of all, I state that the 40th anniversary are definitely closer to the current XD rather than the previous standard (I’m talking about the whole Harbeth production).
I have only compared my previous standard Compact 7-es3 vs the latest XD: the improvement in the high range is quite evident (the tweeter of the standard C-7 is notoriously the least refined compared to the SHL5 and 30/40 monitors), with less harsh and more intelligible highs, but everything else (timbre setting, composure, general midrange highlighting etc …) remained somewhat unchanged/similar …
In addition, from what I know, as far as your case is concerned, the p3esr are the model that has undergone the most important and substantial design change between the standard version and the XD version compared to the Harbeth models.



I am really happy with my Linn/Naim/Harbeth system. Seems to get the best from each brand without any penalty. Right now it sounds especially fine after adding a Fraim.


The ever so 'umble P3ESR is a very fine speaker for voices , timbre and subtlety .


I think this belongs here and not the Naim New Classic thread.

I am tempted to have a listen to these. Wonder if it is a bit too optimistic for a NAP110 to drive them. I guess no problem for a NAP300. My dealer appears to be stocking them along with the BBC P3 monitor


The subject of how easy the P3ESR to drive can best be described as “interesting” .

Funnily enough I played some films on my rather nice Pioneer BluRay Player and they surprised me with how good they were

Not sure what you mean Ian2001

I was told that a NAP110 would have no issue

In certain quarters they have a reputation as being difficult to drive , yet I’ve seen Unitqute driving them on this forum . (more than once)

I’m in online meetings all day. For this, I use the Harbeth P3ESrs, driven by a Chord Quest + Naim SN3.

Total overkill, I know - but I think I’m less fatigued by the end of the day due to the speakers. I got these because these were supposed to be good with voices - and I’ve stuck to these…

I use them sometimes for music too…


Impressive. For me, it’s just the built-in speakers of the laptop or PC.

Harbeth has a brand new product on their website, the “Nelson”. It is a combination subwoofer and stand for the Harbeth P3.
Quite a clever design.


I’ve been driving M30.1s with a NAC202/NAP 200 combo for more than 8 years. One of the great qualities of these monitors is that they are never tiring even with prolonged listening. Any thoughts on how the M30.1s would fare if driven bij a NC NAC 332/NAP350? My guess such a change could either draw out the qualities of the Harbeths even more, or it could show that the Harbeths are too small for this type of power. Anyone using this combination?


Very interesting news, I’ll check it out with my dealer.

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The M30s are the easiest to drive in the Harbeth range, so while depending on the room and requirements one can possibly gain from a different amp, I wouldn’t go for the 350s for these speakers.


Many thanks for this, Garçon! (I presume the c is with a cédille, if not, apologies)

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I don’t think any Harbeth is easy to drive IME. I think most people just accept the midrange and vocals are great and think Harbs can’t do anything else.

Yes you will get sufficient volume out of them with many amplifiers. But the reason why people think Harbeths are not dynamic at all is because they are underpowering them. This isn’t helped by Alan Shaw himself who doesnt talk about the power requirement. I guess that may put people off the speakers. If you put a LOT of power on any Harbeth Speaker they will for the lack of a better phrase “wake the f””k up”. This may be controversial and I apologise if anybody is offended but I wouldn’t power Harbeths with anything less than NAP 135s. I have and the results were not the best imho.

In terms of XD series. I’ve have owned two pairs of 30.2XDs now so I have a good handle on them. Btw this is my favourite speaker from the entire range. Compared to the Annie’s the XD series have a little less bass and more high frequency information. The midrange also carries more information although this could just be the result of less bass allowing midrange to shine. This can be perceived as bright if not partnered well and the speaker not being broken in.

I find Graham a tad blunted at the top and Roger’s V shaped. Both of these can be partnered very well with the right equipment and cables mind you. The Harbeths have the most accurate midrange imo and now treble with the XD. If you want to introduce more bass get some serious power behind them. I would move away from Naim to do this but I will lose the Naim house sound which I also love.

Hope this helps.


May I ask which Graham model. I have the LS5/9.

If I ever go back to a Harbeth it would be the M30.2 Anniversary or XD but from your experience it appears that the XD is a better choice since I still feel the 30 2 anniversary to sound a little warm and heavy at the bottom.

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Hi ryder, 5/9 yes. The thing is I mentioned what my preference was and I’m sure others may prefer another signature. The Graham has more bass output than the harbeth as does the Roger’s. If you’re used to this then you may not prefer the Harbeth. But yes I will repeat I find the Harbs have the most natural sound out of the bunch. Lacking in bass yes which can be fixed with amplifiaction.

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New 30.2xd owner here (technically I haven’t even seen my set yet, I’m currently listening to the stores demo set which they let me keep till they can bring mine round). They sound great using my 282/250dr the more I’ve listened over the last week the more impressed I’ve been. I’m enjoying rediscovering my entire music collection.