The new NAIT 50 Limited Edition

Great to hear!

….SL2s we’re the first speakers used on the first prototype listening test (23rd December 2022)


The Nait 2 was serviced 3 years ago, sounds excellent more than the some of its parts. The Nait 50 adds to the strength of the Nait 2 in every direction more noticeable in the bass department, sounds tight and focused.


Out the box the instant on / off switch is in the off postition, reading through the manual is it best to leave it in the off postion whilst burning in the amp.

Thank you for your sharing. Appreciated.

I think there will be more to come after a few days of burning in :slightly_smiling_face:

First 30min or so its very impressive, looks like Naim have put plenty of effort and thought into the design of this fine product.


That’s right, keep the switch in the up position (on) and it will not auto standby.


Woaaah! It seems « eindeutig sup-per »!
Your first impressions are the same as mine when I listen through the Tube a video (Rega CD player-Nait50-Rodgers or loudspeakers like them). It sounds dynamic and impressive with a good feeling. After running-in it should be again more better!
The Nait50 is perhaps the New Naim Icoon!:ok_hand::+1::grinning:


and a beaty - could do pictures all day long


Here we go - lets share our thoughts … Nait2/50

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Looks like a perfect match my SL2s are singing tonight


Struggled with this as well :slight_smile: Instant on → on is fine :slight_smile:

Just flicked mine in the up position

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Okay, playing Abandoner by Steven Wilson on the Nait 50 now this sounds superb on the 500 series but this Nait isn’t too far behind infact I’m picking out bits that I haven’t noticed before ???

Same source Chord DAVE, MScaler, ND5XS2, Naim DC1 and WAVE Storm Reference digital cables.


Can echo that - ist gets better within the days. I am in day 3!

Have done a A/B today with nait 2 (not serviced).
The difference between the 2 is not the same as 2 days before → nait 50 definitely running in.

My setup is more for playing (and a bit temporary - n-Sats in a big room against a plasterboard wall and standing next to each other). Bass fundament is rare and 3D limited. BUT… :slight_smile:
Have tested my Valeur speakers, but they are bass reflex and do a lot more bass (sometimes too much), but n-Sat are so fast and punchy. Could not get rid of that! So n-Sat it is … for now. Maybe looking for a Tablette or …?

Now the Amp!

  • nait 2 is a bit darker/warmer colored (you can feel, that he is coming from analog era)

  • nait 2 is a bit in the sweet talk mode → which is fine sometimes.

  • nait 2 sounds like 20 watts (does he have 20?)

  • nait 50 sounds a lot more than 25 watts

  • nait 50 is a tad brighter sounding (not colored)

  • nait 50 is punchy and fast

  • nait 50 is better in bass definition - definition at all

  • nait 50 has slightly more room (3D)

  • nait 50 has more detail

  • nait 50 pushes more forward.

This is a really good amp!

Even with less bass and room and still in HUGE difference to the main system - it is a lot of fun sitting at my desk and nait 50 coming from the left :slight_smile:

PS: Just forgot:

  • nait 50 is perfect at low volumes (nait 2 not really)
  • nait 50 has a standby mode (which will sonn come in handy)

Is the Nait 50 the first ever Naim amp with the term “Stream” used for an input selector? Or am I getting close to “that” age?

You are getting… :slight_smile: There are some others - seen SN3 with stream button

We’re using ‘stream’ more and more.
Statement, SuperNait, new classic 332 etc


Of course. I knew non of the pre’s had it but I stopped googling at the Nait5 XS and just assumed. We all know what that makes us :blush:

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Appreciate the comparative analysis, but to be fair, we need to hear from someone with a recently serviced Nait 2.

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Point given!
@HiFiman can do so. Maybe good that mine is not serviced. Also like the colour of nait 2! No plan to sell him, anytime