The new NAIT 50 Limited Edition

It certainly is… that is well below the price of ex demo prices on eBay etc… the stars appear to have aligned for you, enjoy…


Agree, been watching a few dealers sell open box/ex demo examples and almost took the plunge on a few times. I woke this morning to an email offering a further 15% off ex demo and that was all the impetus I needed. :grinning:


They are fabulous speakers, aren’t they?

For me, it has been no problem. I sit 2.5 to 3 meters away from each speaker.

I like that the Fink Team Kim is easy to drive (very amplifier friendly impedance/phase plots). I also like the damping factor switch on the rear where setting 2 matches perfectly with amps like Naim (damping factor ~30).

To give a real world example…


Listening distance: 2.5 meters
Speaker sensitivity: 86db (in case of Fink Team)
Amplifier headroom: 2 db


Max level at listening distance: 90db
Amplifier power required: 25 watts

Max level for peaks: 99.57db
Amplifier power required for peaks: 225 watts

For me, getting into the mid 80s is quite loud. Average of 80db is loud to me yet enjoyable.

Amplifier headroom is more a safety factor for the amp/speakers. Make this nil and max level is 92db. There are of course other environmental factors such as how close the speakers are to room itself, amp/speaker relationship, etc….

I am not sure if allowed to post such links but there are various calculators out there where such variables can be entered. The best ones seem to be at pro audio websites.

You won’t be disappointed :+1:

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For those using the phono stage, which MM or high output MC cartridges are you using?

Yes I’d be interested in answers to your question also carruthersesq from forum members

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How does your Nait50 stack up against your SN @Bevo? Is it a SN2 or 3 you have?

I got the other one they had. :slightly_smiling_face:

It had been an itch waiting to be scratched and the offer was just to good to be missed. Even Mrs PW42 said go for it!


I have the SN3/HICAPDR Mike

Surprisingly the Nait 50 stacks up pretty well against that combo with a spritely presentation and the usual Naim PRAT - I really like the Nait 50

Obviously though the SN3 gives a more powerful presentation with greater weight , in comparison the Nait 50 does lose a tad in detail

Put it this way Mike - if the SN3 blew up I could happily live with the Nait 50

Both are great Naim products and to me very good value for money albeit Nait 50 a little overpriced but I can see why. The SN3 is a sweet spot for me in the Naim range and incredible value


I should add the NDX2/SN3 is a great combo even without their respective power supplies


Just to whet your appetite :grinning:. Give your Nait50 a better source and it scales beautifully… you may discover like I did the Nait50 is the best mid power amp Naim have made… it’s phenomenal… in my opinion it is preferable to my previous 552DR/250. I do wonder if the lack of digital automation, remote etc, has helped here… some other high end manufacturers use that same principle.

Its ability to resolve and dish out the deeply articulated information across the pass band is grin inducing. It’s a corker with orchestral and EDM, as well as folk and acoustic with ability to resolve and deliver sub bass… but if you do crank it up for long periods (which it appears to love) make sure it has good ventilation … it will get warm… that peak power of over 200 W appears to raise the temp of those output drivers.


I’m using a fully loaded LP12ARO/keel/kandid/ Superline/SCDR/ Armageddon with the Nait 50 Simon

It’s incredible

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Ok sounds good… I saw your NDX2 reference… good though that streamer is… its analogue output is not really a match for the ability of the Nait50.

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I’m currently running a ND555 into my Uniti Star :flushed:, and are somewhat taken aback as to how good it is. I may start a thread about it, it’s really challenged my understanding of things, and is performing way beyond a bare Star. I don’t really understand it. I might even drop my Nova in (it’s in the lounger on TV duties).

Well yes the Nova could be very interesting Mike

Excellent, I have only heard a Uniti Star once, and that was at Naim HQ… your setup sounds better than what I heard… though from memory the Star I heard was using its inbuilt streamer.

What speakers are you using with the Nait 50 Simon ?

I have used a few including stand mounts and floor standers from ATCs, Dynaudios, and a couple of Russel K models… currently settled back on the diminutive Russel K 50s on SolidSteel stands… they seem to match my near/ mid field listening and my tastes and have a greater bandwidth than they have a right to do… and have a wonderful phase coherence that helps the audio feel lifelike and leave the speakers.