The new NAIT 50 Limited Edition

Ok sounds good… I saw your NDX2 reference… good though that streamer is… its analogue output is not really a match for the ability of the Nait50.

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I’m currently running a ND555 into my Uniti Star :flushed:, and are somewhat taken aback as to how good it is. I may start a thread about it, it’s really challenged my understanding of things, and is performing way beyond a bare Star. I don’t really understand it. I might even drop my Nova in (it’s in the lounger on TV duties).

Well yes the Nova could be very interesting Mike

Excellent, I have only heard a Uniti Star once, and that was at Naim HQ… your setup sounds better than what I heard… though from memory the Star I heard was using its inbuilt streamer.

What speakers are you using with the Nait 50 Simon ?

I have used a few including stand mounts and floor standers from ATCs, Dynaudios, and a couple of Russel K models… currently settled back on the diminutive Russel K 50s on SolidSteel stands… they seem to match my near/ mid field listening and my tastes and have a greater bandwidth than they have a right to do… and have a wonderful phase coherence that helps the audio feel lifelike and leave the speakers.


Yes that’s is great - I’m using the neat petite 30 anniversary model , it is a fantastic match with the Nait 50. My long suffering dealer of 35 + years also uses this combo

I was a bit greedy and purchased 2 Nait 50’s as live in 2 locations and certainly don’t regret that at all

Nice, I did find the bass output with some of the larger speakers too prominent with the Nait50… and although fast and tight, it felt unbalanced on some masters in my listening space … on balance I prefer the slight compression you get with smaller speakers with the gain of more intense insight… sure you need a very good amp and source to get the most from that if it’s not to sound dull, bass light or lacking life, but luckily the Nait50 fed by a DAVE delivers.

Use mine in my near-field system with Rega P6, Exact & ATC7’s


I’ve never been a fan of Rega carts. Having said that I’ve not tried one for probably 15yrs now.

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For those using the phono stage, which MM or high output MC cartridges are you using?

I use a VM95 Shibata with my N50 and get very nice results. When it wears out in the next couple of years I plan to upgrade it for maybe a DV 10x5 or VM 760slc.
You’re in for a real treat when you get your N50, had mine for about 5/6 weeks now and it just gets better and better. I am sure you have read a lot of posts on this thread so I won’t go over old ground, but I was really torn between Supernait 3 and N50, so always interested to hear peoples thoughts that have/can do direct comparisons.
I have no regrets going down the N50 route as it suits my smallish listening space and drives my speakers very well. You got yourself a real bargain there as well, I got a good deal on mine but you have definitely trumped that. Enjoy :blush:


I use a Hana SH on my LP12 and was running it into a Supernait 3 with Hicap DR.

Sold the Hicap and put the money towards a Nait 50 and then a few months later (after a lot of swapping between the amps) I traded in the SN3 for a Radikal 2 upgrade on the LP12.

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The carts on my radar are Hana MH, Hana SH, Dynavector high output carts, AudioTechnica VM 750 or 760. Any others I should consider? I presume a 2M Black should be on that list.

Sumiko do some great choices, for example Amethyst.
Exited how the new Rega Nd7 will perform, always liked Exact even its compromises.


Good shout Per. I’ll also take a look at the new Rega cart. I think there are a few reviews out for it.

Hi. I would support the 2M Black. I have the LVB 250 version and I’m very happy with the sound through my SN3. Seems to pull through detail much more precisely than rivals I have heard


I paid equivalent of GBP 1500 for my dealer ex-demo so you did even better than I did but mine had a problem with a “phut” every time standby button was pushed so it had to go back for a repair. It will soon be back. I am using a 10x5 Mk2 on a PT One and it sounds fantastic.

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Yes - absolutely fantastic speakers.

I use 252/250DR and have thought that those speakers needed more power. But since I also want a setup that is as simple as possible, I will definitely try with smaller amplifiers - probably also a Nait 50 - although I would like to have a remote control.

By the way, I also use damping setting 2 with my 250DR.

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It looks as if you are only using streaming and a turntable - why not use your existing cartridge and phone amp into the second line input. That’s how I have been connecting my LP12 and MC cartridge/Urika.

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