The new NAIT 50 Limited Edition

I see my 282/sc/250 setup will sit idle for a while. :grin:


It’s a cracking little amp isn’t it.

I’m really pleased with mine and glad I eventually decided to grab one.


Instant on keeps it in full power mode. Pressing the standby button just turns off the logo.

Never mind I see Steve answered your question.

Maybe, but I’ve found that it really benefits from the optional external power supply…

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I’ve often thought about a Hi Cap DR But a very good friend of mine that already had one when he split his separates didn’t like it as it was more hi fi and not so musical and I don’t have a spare shelf so didn’t bother.
I really can’t think of needing it here as the Solo box does a great job with bags of headroom.
Itch :thinking:

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That’s what I thought about HCDR on my Superline. Much preferred my SC2 or 252 Aux2.

Just too ‘show off’ with the HiCap.


Not with the nait50, it turns it off.

@Richard.Dane , worth copying this post to FAQ?

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Yes, a good idea Kolner.

Only a minor point Richard. Is it 15 mins to go into Standby as Steve mentions or 19 mins (as per the manual) and mentioned in the FAQ post ?

Agree I haven’t used my 282 HicapDR 250DR since I got the Nait50. In no rush may connect up the HiCap to Stageline to try vinyl, but that wastes the phono stage any views on whether a step up transformer may be preferable with a MC cartridge ?


Thank you for the news ! Indeed, the feedback says that it can drive many speakers even at low impedance. And what are the differences in terms of sound, I imagine it is relatively different?

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I’m using some Sony HA-T10 step up transformer connecting directly to the phono input of the Nait 50. It’s a very neat solution. My cartridge in this setup is Linn Kandid which is a MC cart. They sound so good together.


You’re welcome. Yes, they are different. Nait 50 is more engaging to my ears.

Before I got into MC inputs on amps or indeed now Urika.
I used an Audio Technica AT630. “ The Tank “
Superb no batteries or PS required. :+1:t2:


Good question James. One for Steve I think… @110dB

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The AT630 was an excellent step up transformer, and inexpensive too. When I bought my first proper turntable (Sony PSX-800) it came fitted with a Sony XL-44L MC cartridge. Still just a schoolboy, I had to wait and save up even more pocket money to get a step up transformer, and eventually the AT630 was what i got. I still have it to this day!


Linn Karik is a wonderful CDP :blush:

The auto-standby time is 15 mins on the Nait 50 - nominally.

A product must turn off within 20mins of silence; i.e. 21 mins is not allowed. Naim uses 19 minutes to be safe. Typically the timer is done with a microprocessor that has a crystal clock. Crystal clocks are accurate.

Nait 50 has no software, no processor, no clocks; it uses logic and analogue timers. The timer is done with a resistor and big capacitor. Big capacitors have a wide capacitance tolerance. To safely ensure it meets the standard it was made 15mins. This allows for the capacitor value to increase and the timer is still be within spec.

…BTW if the Nait 50 is in standby the amplifiers are off irrespective of the position of the auto standby button.


Curious too. I have recently serviced CB 42/110/Hicap. I wonder how the 50 compares

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