The new NAIT 50 Limited Edition

A shame I cannot see that these or anything similar are available now, unless anyone is aware of anything similar. I reckon I used to have a pair of Ortofon T5s picture looks familiar don’t know what happened to them though unfortunately.

It is the same conclusion with your streamer/dac if you have one ? Or you only try the phono stage for the moment ?

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I have ND5XS2 and nDAC with internal PSU. Yes, it is the same conclusion but the phono input made greater effect.

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There’s a new review of the Falcon Acoustics M10 speakers at Part Time Audiophile with a couple of references to the Nait 50 used to review them.


My father owned two MGB GTs.

V8 engine but not great at cornering!

That’s why I am keeping my Mission Cyrus Two.

I believe the V8 variant was known as an MGC :slightly_smiling_face:

[EDIT] perhaps you knew that Jim? Anyway, as you say that lump didn’t help with the bendy bits - must have been conceived for the US market :grimacing:

Hi Graham 55

When you receive the AT 760SLC MM cartridge from Peter Swain could you let us know how it sounds etc etc

Much appreciated


Of course I will. I have no idea of timescale at present, and I know that Peter is abroad at present. Needless to say, I’m anxious to get it up and going, but patience is - as they say - a virtue!

I know that Peter follows this site, so he may pop up.

My father was a member of the MG owners club.

He called it an MGB GT V8, as I recall from the depths of time.

I drove them only a few times.

They were impressive in a straight line.

They reminded him of his early years as an occasionally amateur rally driver with a sky blue Austin.

I believe the MGC and the MGB V8 are in fact different models?


They certainly are. Completely different.


They were. The MGC used a BMC C series 6 cylinder engine and used torsion bar suspension at the front. The MGB GT V8 used the Rover V8 in a fairly low state of tune.

Best of the MGCs were the GTS “Sebring” racers.


The MG club of Australia was in town a few months there were a few of the V8s as well. The coupe is definitely my favourite.

That car is still going and taxed until mid next year… :+1:t2:
Someone’s pride and joy.

It’s a famous car, “ROMEO”, one of only two official works MGC GTS.


Thanks for that.
And for those watching in black and white it’s British Racing Green. :+1:t2:
Bet that would pin me in my seat. :scream:

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My first car was a Mini, and then I bought a Ford Escort.

Bit like HiFi…
Sometimes you go for the bigger, better thing.
But it never seems as much fun as the first thing, it replaced.

Having said that, Ford Escorts were brilliant, particularly the Mexico’s. I’ve seen a few nice ones recently, selling for big money.

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Well this topic has de-railed. :slightly_smiling_face: