The new NAIT 50 Limited Edition

not green nor red not blue
just a black rubber end from amazon

I don`t want to see that light at all

my biggest issue with that - why do I need a standby light which is always in and bright like a star?
I don`t get this

anyway I am very happy now.

cut the rubber end to the length you need
a small cuttet double tape on top of the led
the black rubber end on top

good luck


I seem to be in a minority, in that the LED on my NAIT 50 doesnā€™t worry me at all!

That said, I donā€™t sit in front of the amp, looking at it as it plays music. And, as often as not Iā€™m looking at the screen of my Mac as I type.


The Sonus Faber Sonetto 1 in combination with the Nait 50 and Chord Qutest sound very nice. Unfortunately, the build quality of the budget SF is lowā€¦

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What LED? Indeed I donā€™t look at it either.


I toned mine down a little and it looks fine, certainly donā€™t want to put a thick black condom over it :rofl:

Anyone who has bought a NAIT 50 and is wondering about a good loudspeaker match, should investigate a pair of Falcon LS3/5As. Iā€™m playing mine in with a brand new LP12/ARO/Goldring-rebuilt Troika, and the whole little package just keeps getting better as it beds in.


Iā€™ve tried the Falcons Graham and they just didnā€™t do it for me at all

Iā€™m very happy with my Neat Petite 30ā€™s / LP12 ARO/ Nait 50 set up

Perfect for me , we all hear differently which is a good thing :grinning:


Thatā€™s very true, and just as well at that!

It doesnā€™t bother me either, it is there for a reason. It reminds me to switch it out of stand by mode.

Heresy moment, but whilst I thoroughly understand why it is there and support the reasons 100% , I would like a remote To overcome this feature ,

my next post will be from the cupboard under the stairs while I hide from the wrath of the forum


I wonder if Harry Potter will be in there with you?

(Assumes that youā€™ve read the books!)


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After my last comment I may also need an invisibility cloak

I do have a first edition of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

(Along with a million other people)

I havenā€™t watched the Blu Ray of that since I got the Nait 50, I imagine it will sound pretty good thru it

best wishes


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It will be possible to demo these I think without any problems

After a long search think Iā€™ve found my favourite speaker (within budget) for my Nait 50 which will replace my much loved Audiovector QR1s.

Still early on in a home dem but think Iā€™ll soon be the owner of some new Neat Petite Classics. (Also have some Harbeth P3ESRs to try which also sounded very good in the shop. )


Would be interesting to hear how the Neat Petites compare to the P3ESRā€™s

Curiosity got the better of me as well so Iā€™ve stuck them on. Theyā€™re both very good!

Initial thoughts: The Neats have more bass as would be expected being rear ported vs the sealed Harbeths. The Harbeths sound far from thin though. The Harbeths really excel on vocals - beautifully natural. Maybe a touch less excitement and emotional engagement than the Neats but still very good on that front and very enjoyable.

I probably need to pull the Neats out a bit more from the rear wall to be fair to them. I havenā€™t moved the stands at all so far so still sitting about 27cm-30cm from rear of speaker to wall with toe-in (which was my preferred position for the Audiovectors).

Going to be an interesting week and possibly not an easy decision!

New Nait 50 in the house now bedding in :sunglasses:


How do Audiovectors compare to Neats? A couple of friends-of-friends have floor standing AVs but ive never heard them.

Neat Petites are a perfect match with the Nait 50 Steeve

Well they are for me anyway

They are excellent. As you say, very well matched and very nicely balanced. They definitely work better with less well-recorded music as well which for me is a bonus.

Iā€™ve pulled them out a little further from the rear wall which has definitely improved them in my room. As long as the bass doesnā€™t become too overpowering I think they are keepers. (By the way, the larger port is bunged, just using the smaller one which has more than enough bass for me and my room. )

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