The new NAIT 50 Limited Edition

Hi Simon - are you using it in a second system and what are the other components? Your profile is private so it’s not possible to see - I think you have made some changes from Chord. My impression so far is similar to others in that the Nait responds well to high quality sources.

Agree Steeve smaller port quite enough

Hi, no I’ve decided to have it as my main musical replay system. My little studio uses Yamaha actives. I am not aware I put my profile as private I will look into it.
My main main digital source is ndx2 into a DAVE with DNM interconnects into the the Nait 50. I use ATC SCM 19 speakers… I was comparing to Dynaudio speakers today with the Nait 50… and boy I can hear why I enjoy the ATCs … the upper mids are are in a different league (for me) with the Dynaudio sounding relatively recessed, but possibly matching rather more forward sounding amplification.


I have used my Nait50 with AtomHE as a source, into some Focal A 906K2.
HE is not optimal volumewise of course, but very practical. The redundant pre and headamp aches me as well.
I’ve set volume on both units such as HE works towards 100 % (69).
I cannot se myself selling the N50 at any point :blush:

I’m looking for a cdp to work with it which is practical for use at the hut/ summerhouse (there’s no internet).
Naim cdp, except from cd5si, is hard to get hands on up here, so I’m looking at Atoll or similar, other candidates are welcome, not fond of slotloading designs. I have a spare recordplayer as well


I can’t express enough what a wonderful amp the little NAIT 50 is!

I’m listening to it with my ‘new’ LP12/ARO/Troika, installed last week by Peter of Cymbiosis. Speakers are Falcon LS3/5As.

All punching well over their weight!


Thanks, Simon. That’s of interest to me as I am considering using the 50 as my main amplification as part of a process of reducing the system, whereas most people seem to be thinking of it as part of an ancillary system. At the moment it is substituted for a 250/300DR with LP12 and CD555 and is very impressive, although it doesn’t have the same capability of course. Part of the plan is also to move to streaming. Thinking about the hifi is a diversion really as my 1000s of LPs and CDs are the real problem.

One aspect of the Nait that doesn’t seem to get commented on much is the fact that the power amp section is based on the NC250. In that respect the Nait may perhaps be considered a sort of hybrid entry into the New Classic world. I have not heard any of the NC electronics at either series 2 or 3 level, but from people’s description, some of what we are hearing from the Nait seems to be characteristic of the New Classic signature - I’m thinking of its clarity, detail and openness, but also its ability to deliver a surprising weight and attack, for instance with percussion.

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Agree Graham

When I listen to mine it’s going through my mind

“Do I really need my top end naim gear”??


I am now trying the same combination. It combines the streaming and access to local music from the HE with the possibility to listen to vinyl without going through the HE but just as a separate, fully analogue only path through the Nait 50, and keeping everything in just 2 boxes.

Redundancy? Well, the HE pre is essentially your remote volume control for the system. This means for you Nait 50 as well. Even from your phone. How good is that?: ) Besides, the HE and Nait 50 have a very, very similar preamp so combining them should work almost “by design”!

You can do any volume on both that suits, no loss of quality. I tend to use the HE at mid/lower volume with the Nait 50 at a fixed moderate level so the remote control works in both directions with no need to touch the Nait 50, apart from for vinyl - and this btw is where your second headphone amp function comes in use…


That’s exactly how I’ve been using my UnitiQute2 and CB Nait2 for the last couple of years - works surprisingly well.


I cant help thinking that Naim will not waste the R&D etc re the 50 and will repackage it in the not too distant future in a NC type shoebox chassis complete with remote etc, perhaps even the ND5XS2 will be replaced by a matching NC shoebox streamer as a natural partner, this will sit nicely below the 200 NC line.


Could well be right Hollow

There is a massive opportunity here for Naim :+1:


Ah, the Nait 2! Early days with the Nait 50 but will post on this separately!:slight_smile:

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Agree, I think the Nait50 is the foundation for the next gen Naits, whatever form factor they will materialise as, and whatever they will be named - Nait, XS or Supernait etc. Hopefully simplifying the range to just Nait and Supernait.

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I’m seriously pleased for you and looking forward to Peter’s picture.

I must admit that seeing the pictures of the Simplinth make me start thinking about one,

I’m using my UnitiQute in exactly the same way . I use it as a DAC for the Sky/Blu Ray and streamer for Radio 3 HD

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Thanks garcon , I agree, but for your last sentence «the second headamp comes to use». Do you mean multiple listening/ two sources? :blush:
(I’m a humble soul)

Another way of thinking, the redundans makes the system very flexible, split, move and so on.

For the extra preamp section, as mentioned, I agree.

I was told to set HE volume to 69 % in the app setting. This is kind of zero for its output?

Still, for the extra flexibility I would like a cdp for use where internet’s not avaliable, in addition to the mentioned recordplayer.

It does work well, and sounds ok but the obvious compromise is having the signal pass through the two pre amps. I keep looking at the NDX2 and ND5XS2, but somehow, I’m not that inspired to plunge (with the caveat I’ve not heard either). When the NC range is fully revealed and consolidated it’ll make an upgrade path more clear.

Hi Clive, I can’t really comment against new Naim products. However against the old classic products I would say the sound is slightly on the forward sound of neutral which I like as I find engaging, it is wide bandwidth with good extension at both ends, with surprising grunt in the low bass and percussive punch (bass and high treble timing well together) . In the limit I find the ‘air’ is not as transparent as say the 252DR and 552DR… but not really surprising … and for me I don’t really get much musical enjoyment from that so I don’t really miss it… however it appears good at conveying the atmosphere and individual insights (ie you can focus into parts of the recording rather than simply the whole) in the Johnny Cash Folsom Prison album and conveying the reverb in a cathedral choral recording which is good enough for me.

What I would say with regard to the phono stage, I am more a MC person, and MM presentation on the whole just does not do it for me… (ie it tends to give too much of that ‘warm vinyl’ sound which to me can suffocate recordings ) so my two sources will likely be streamer and MC preamp.

I’ve owned a Nait 50 for a month now, but unfortunately I’ve also noticed a clear imbalance at low volumes. It’s a real shame and not acceptable for me, who often has to listen quietly, and definitely doesn’t meet my expectations in this price category.
First the constant humming of my XS3 and now this.
I now really regret selling my Atom, whose only problem was the WiFi, but at least I was able to solve that myself.

Have you had it checked, I have listened to three Nait 50s now with no noticeable imbalance in any of them.

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