The new NAIT 50 Limited Edition

Thanks, Ian - no doubt the review will be more widely available soon. I already have the Nait but I’m interested to see what reviewers make of it.

My view is much as @Simon-in-Suffolk. The Nait responds very well to high quality sources - I am using a CD555 and a well set-up LP12 with SL2s. It reproduces music very coherently and transparently, with surprising heft when required. Although the 252/300 is superior in a number of respects, with the Nait I can sit and enjoy the music without any sense of loss.


I’m with you Clive , handles top flight front ends very well

Currently using the Nait 50 with a fully loaded LP12 ARO/Superline/Supercapdr etc

Very enjoyable I must say


Over the past few days I’ve had thoughts of putting the Nait 50 back in the main listening room and selling the 552/500 setup, I miss the little fella with the Chord Dave / MScaler attached.
The N50 drives the SL2s beautifully and is probably all I need.
Biggest problem is selling the 500 setup as prices have dropped dramatically over the past few months!!

I have one, so I’m sold.

Very pleased , not sure that the review wasn’t done in parts by reading the spec . I have Harbeth P3ESR and it drives them with ease , yet it reads as if it wasn’t tested against difficult loads.

Yes the little Nait 50 certainly gets one thinking about all the top flight gear we have HiFiman

Do we really need it !!!

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As I get older I’m trying to simplify things in my life - stereo included :slightly_smiling_face:



Absolutely… having a simple hifi setup seems to let me enjoy it more for some reason. The Nait50 sourced by DAVE and NDX2 all sitting on Fraim sounds absolutely gorgeous into these Russell K RED 50s I am borrowing… surprising scale, dynamics and tonal intricacy as well as vocal intimacy and stereo positioning… a wonderful beguiling rendering that is sweet, non tiring yet detailed, engaging and fun and just about makes the sofa vibrate with some of the bass notes and bass drum when it needs to… so yes with the RED 50s the bass is not over blown or very extended but attractively tight and measured with just a hint of lower mid warmth . The Nait50 is just as happy playing the The Chemical Bothers, DK Krush, Sandy Denny, Johnny Cash, St Albans Cathedral Choir, Chopin Waltzes, Stiff Little Fingers, Joy Division, The Pioneers and Queen into those Russell Ks…. wonderful.


Very much so , I went from seven boxes to two on the audio (plus t/t) , I’ve bought better cables and power cables . The Nait 50 was a key component in this


I recently had the pleasure to hear the little Nait 50, I was really impressed, what a great piece of kit. Hugely enjoyable, very refined with great dynamics IMHO. Now I do understand why so many are enthusiast about it. It was paired with a couple of Harbeth HL5 XD, there were 2 different sources to compare: the Rega Planar P3 50th edition and the ND5 XS2.

Sorry, a bit out of focus…


Now there’s a band I’ve not listened to for a long, long, long time :slightly_smiling_face:

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And it would have sounded even better with an ND555 and an RP10!

That would be a very intriguing experience, I’m pretty sure! Unluckily there were no better sources available.

Listening to SLF would clearly reveal whether the Nait 50 is a high performer or a suspect device.


This simplification seems to be a bit of a thing. I read somewhere of someone selling a multibox system and being perfectly happy with just a Nova. People are weird.


So long as it’s not inflammable material.


Yep we all are…


Very good! :joy:

My nait50 in good company


The Nait 1 and Nait 2 look mint :ok_hand:
Naim CDi ?

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