The new NAIT 50 Limited Edition

So where am I to dock?
Kidding of course. I didn’t confuse the two.

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Here will be fine, if you dock at the nudist beach -warning it’s compulsory

(sorry for extreme thread drift)

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I should say that I totally agree with your comments on the What HiFi review


I thought the Brighton nudest beach was long gone.

I had heard that the bottom dropped out of the demand for it…


I believe that it’s still, there, but I won’t be walking the necessary 15 mins to check it out. There was a memorable episode of ‘Minder’ years ago in which Arthur and Terry ended up on the nudist beach!


I think it closed briefly while the newer marina development took place over the past couple of years. I haven’t been back to check if it is now open again. A job for the new year perhaps :grinning:

Will that be purely in a spirit of useful information gathering, or will you be leaving your Speedos at home?!

Lol. Myself and speedos, not a good combination. I have a couple of flats on the marina so occasionally have to visit.

Seems to be all change again??

NAC 552 (+PS) seem to be staying and the NAP 500 has been replaced with a NAP 250. N50 back in 2nd system and the CB Nait 2 back in the cupboard? And more Fraim being ordered?

In the end I couldn’t let the 552DR go for silly money, less than 8k for Naims 2nd best pre no chance I would rather keep it.
NAP500 will go so the end goal of reducing the stacks will be complete soon.
This is my second 250DR previously partnered with a 272, it’s a cracking little amp and seems to be performing well with the 552, still warming up though.
Nait 50 is returning to the second setup but I’m holding onto the Nait 2.


Sorry @Richard.Dane I got a bit carried away

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No problem.

Enjoy the 250DR with your NAC552. It’s what I use too after I let my own NAP500 go…

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finally saw and heard one yesterday - lovely and it’s got it’s own free torch beaming out white light…
can this be turned down?

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Bright LEDs and tight volume control law are things that ALL manufacturers insist on! :wink:

My system (including Nait 50) is off to the side so it doesn’t bother me. It’s less bright than many others I’ve seen too.

I think if you go to the start of this thread (about 3,400 posts ago, it was a recurring theme ) , the solution was a small slip on plastic sheath

Cue @Skeptikal

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Set my watch by 'im…lol.:+1:t3:

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I knew as soon as I said it

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Just driven back from 5 days away visiting family in Central Europe, and put the Nait50 on listening to Lana Del Ray, Did you know there’s a tunnel under Ocean Blvd… absolutely fantastic, beautiful intonation on her vocals and letting some of the creative production techniques come entertainingly through… Billie Eilish style (A&W) … when you take a break it shows you how breathtaking this amp with DAVE and RK RED 50s is… I clearly was starting to take it for granted… shocking…

Side note… petrol is so cheap in the UK now compared to much of continental Europe… bizarre.