The new NAIT 50 Limited Edition

Yes, Ian, you walked into that one feet first!!

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Yes Graham , I did, couldnā€™t avoid it somehow. I think I would have attracted far less innuendo if I had used the word sleeve instead

Happy new year and best wishes


My feeling is that this is a superb amp , for a smallish room with very good monitor speakers

I was listening yesterday to Radio 3 via the Satellite (broadband is knackered at the moment) and the quality just amazed me

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Indeed though @Fatcat did remind us itā€™s not limited to a small room with higher efficiency larger speakersā€¦

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Yeah its crazy, I will use my bike more often this year indeed.

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Using a bike is a great way of transportation. Free exercise, clears up the mind, no car needed. If it only could stop raining!


Spot on. I donā€™t have a NAIT50, but my recently serviced and upgraded NAIT2 shines with Spatial X3ā€™s which are large 94db dipole speakers with an active bottom end.

It shocked me how well the 18wpc NAIT2 compared to my 200 series setup, with the biggest difference being a slightly leaner overall sound most noticeable in the bass. Fortunately I can dial in a smidge more bass in the speakers to compensate.


I wish I could say I bought the Nait 50 based on sound quality alone.

Hey beautiful.


Omega Junior 8 XRS
98db. Job done. No crossover.

Simple. Elegant. Fills a large room on nothing.


It is a lovely thing. I got my NAIT 1 out of its box at the weekend to check something and looking at the two side by side, the little design tweaks on the 2023 version are very tastefully done. The brushed aluminium front panel and that nicely weighted volume control add to the quality feel of this little amp.

Unfortunately, my ā€™50 is sat unused in my office at the moment, but will hopefully get some use in the next couple of months when I sort out a second system using a pair of Shahinian Compass speakers I also have spare :roll_eyes:

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like it - I would love to listen to them

Smart speaker!

Iā€™ve had them for about 4 years on the end of a 10w amp. They are incredibly transparent and can really let you pull apart a recording even at very low volumes. The lack of crossover means you get the benefit of active with just one amp.

Like most speakers, there is a trade off. Whizzer cones have a very narrow bubble. Itā€™s not quite ā€œhead in a viceā€ off axis issues, but they definitely are more for a defined listening position for one person.

I imagine theyā€™d go great with a Nait 50. Handmade in Connecticut. Over 200 veneer finishes available. I almost went for purple birch in honour of Prince.


Hiā€¦ I looked into these seeing your post. Some comments say they can sound a bit wheezy or sibilancey on higher vocals sometimes. Have you noticed that to any extentā€¦ or is it more about amps/sources being used?

BTW lack of cross over really benefits crossover distortion between drivers, which for most occurs in the sensitive mid freq rangeā€¦
some of the best sounding passive multi driver speakers have very simple and phase aligned crossoversā€¦ I certainly subscribe to the less is more in this areaā€¦ hence why your post caught my attention.

Iā€™ve not found them to be sibilancy at all. They are significantly smoother in this area by some degree compared to my PMCs. I do drive them with a Luxman tube amp and a Luxman DAC front end. I suspect a lot of problems may come from poor matching with mullet sources.

Iā€™ve written a great deal about them in the following thread and really the main issue, as stated earlier is they are really a speaker for an audience of one. And right now, I have them in my office with a little Don Draper escape corner for moments of musical reflection. I previously had them in an open plan apartment and they filled the whole living-dining-kitchen area perfectly well (if not with great balance outside of the listening position).

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Thanks, interesting about the PMCsā€¦ I found the older models really poor here with the tweeter driverā€¦ I have heard they have now improved itā€¦ it must have been affecting sales.

BTW starting reading your thread thanks, ā€¦ many pictures of audio valve amps with no shielding around the exposed valvesā€¦ this is just soooo bad for the average modern house ā€¦ sure it looks goodā€¦ but from an electronics point of view not good at allā€¦ but I will leave that for another day.

I remember when the Luxman were launched Ken Kessler raved about them with the caveat that they needed very careful attention to speaker matching

The Omega certainly fitted that bill.

I remember your thread as it was very different from the usual threads on this forum.

No, Iā€™m interested. Do share.

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My first reaction on seeing those valve amps - dust traps !

My Qb wheel is a dust trap. NC headsinks are a dust trap. Any turntable without the cover. The tube ampā€¦ After 4 years, not so much.