The new NAIT 50 Limited Edition

Basically valves can be susceptible to RFI and can indeed amplify the RF energy in many ways more easily that transistor circuitry… in the average house the background RF noise level is higher than say it was 50 years ago with more gadgets and small computers in many devices - not mentioning mobile phones, wifi etc… therefore I would be looking for screening or Faraday cage around exposed audio amp’s valves - and some screens can be done in an aesthetically pleasing way I believe, where you can still see the ‘glow’ of the heating element in the valve which perhaps is what people like to see…

It’s always a tradeoff somewhere though. It actually comes with a cage and I used it while the kids were small, only removing for photographs. Apparently they last longer without a cage on and my EL84s are pushed well under their operating ceiling where they should last 10 years. But they died after 3.5. Of course they might have died anyway. Luxman do say, “don’t remove the cage.”

Excellent - faith is restored :slight_smile:

I can’t possibly see how they could last longer without a cage assuming there is adequate air flow… but anyway.

These certainly looks the business, and not insane expensive.
Only dowside is import from US to EU could be expensive, they seem to trade direct factory only, I couldn’t find any distributor.

I do like the outriggers, match perfect and asumely better performance.
I’d wish I could fine similar for my Rega RX3.

Given the Nait 50 has met with such plaudits (the little box that could…) but has a limited production run, I wonder if an ‘unlimited’ edition will be announced? Surely there will be a further shoebox integrated based on it…not designated ‘50’ obviously, to protect that exclusivity.

Should be fun!

Hopefully with a Pre Output and remote.

There is a dealer or two in the UK but otherwise direct from manufacturer. They shipped direct to me in Japan.

The outriggers don’t come with adjustable spikes so you may have to add your own after market ones like I did.

the pre output not so worried out - but I would appreciate line tape out on one of the inputs - would you believe I am missing that - the size and convenience of this device lends itself to taping… and DIN makes it compact. Also a remote control would be good if it doesn’t detract from performance…


Simon, just had a scroll through this thread and I’m curious - you’re clearly very happy with your NAIT 50, I just wondered what size is your listening room. Trying to get a feel as to whether this might work in my room. Cheers.

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About 3.5 by about 6 or 7 metres


What speakers are you thinking of using it with, Marq ?

Well, I’ve had a bit of an epiphany. I heard some Devore speakers last week and was blown away. I’m now scheming in my head - 606s May be moving on!

Interesting…O series by any chance ?

Thanks - I should be good then.

I heard the O/96 which were unbelievably good and then the O/Baby which were also amazing and probably more suitable for me.

That should be an interesting combination. I remember seeing a pairing of the O/96 with the NAIT50 (and NDX2) on a dealer’s Instagram page I follow. The high sensitivity Devore worked well with the NAIT.



O/Baby is 90db so I figure that will also work well.

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Should be a lot of fun. Lovely speakers :sunglasses:

I’d love to hear that setup! I bet it sounds great. Such beautiful speakers from such beautiful company.

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Sure it’s covered here somewhere, but - no remote. If streaming via Roon can you control volume from Roon on say iPad.

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