The new NAIT 50 Limited Edition


Here’s the diagram from Ortofon. It simply goes between the tonearm lead plugs and the MM input on the Nait. So you’ll need an extra pair of interconnects. In Graham’s case it’s the Shawline. I’m using basic Mogami. There are some new SUTs from Pro-Ject now too with adjustable settings for different cartridge output levels.

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I got the Limetree at a bargain price last month, so snapped it up. I like that it can play all my files on my Roon Nucleus wirelessly upto DSD256, which isn’t too common. Also it can be set to upsample all date to DSD taking advantage of the AKM DAC architecture. It’s in the main system now so I’m using a 5 metre Ethernet cable with it. It’s nice and compact and gets out of the way musically with no apparent nasties.

Another streamer which looks interesting is the Emerson Analog from Switzerland. I saw another Nait 50 owner with one here the other day. Emerson also make a digital bridge version too.


wow! this is brilliant, thanks.

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too good!!

Thanks Nagraboy

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The Limetree pieces are rather good! I have a Bridge2 and a Network2, they sound quite good, nicely built little packages.

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Lol, records and
A player

Greetings. I would appreciate your opinions regarding the “Instant On” switch on the back of the Nait 50. Has anyone notice a difference in sound quality? I think the noise floor is lower with the switch engaged. :thinking:

No difference with me… I tend to leave my Nait50 on anyway, as it’s used most days when I am at home.


Not something I would think about tbh. I just manually switch between standby/on via the Mains button when I want to listen.

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Just plugged in…what?

Forgot how good vinyl is.

This thing is brilliant.

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Has anyone compared the Nait 50 with a hicap/72/140 set up? Man maths tells me I could replace the 3 box with one for around 800 pounds.

Think i asked this about 7000 posts ago ? No one came forward. And i sort assumed any Nait 50 owners must have been via 72/hc/140. Or maybe they have and were to scared to tell us?

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Agree, Streaming is nice for exploring new music, radio and podcast, to low performance for serious listening IME.

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Well I almost got rid of my 500 setup if this help :grin:

I don’t understand why some would have such powerful Naim systems if the Nait 50 ends up being powerful enough for their speakers/room/listening habits.


Thats just the sort of thing I want to hear. :grinning:

There’s a Nait 50 at 2k here in France. I just need to find a French buyer for my Olive set.


Powerful enough yes but despite the high sound quality of the Nait 50, a more powerful amplifier will always be better and this, even at low volume.